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Alright, I have a few things to talk about so without further ado, let's get right to the good stuff!

Giant's Sandbox

The video I uploaded is a little on the longer side this time, since I wanted to show off some possibilities, now that I've properly implemented the interactions. With that done, I should be able to release a new version of the game fairly soon.

Player Interactions

As you saw in the video, you now have control over the handheld actions too. I went ahead and implemented a switch to activate either hand or foot mode, since you can't do both anyway. This gave me some more options to work with. Furthermore, I got even more functions out of my inputs, since I've added a hold system. For example, if you tap the button, you drop the tiny but if you hold it, you gently place it on the ground. This worked surprisingly well but I'm sure there are a lot of bugs that I have not encountered yet.

Idle Animations

While fairly limited at the moment, I do have a complete setup for idle animations for the player and the A.I. either for just standing or while holding a tiny. I made it so that I can easily expand the amount of idles to add more variety to bored characters, making them a little more lifelike.

Gentle Giants

I'm gonna upload a video showcasing a gentle interaction I had while recording right after this update. I really liked the whole thing on its own, which is why I wanted it to be seperate from the video linked to this post. Basically now that I have more ways of interaction, I properly implemented the gentle giant option. They now roam around and only sometimes target a tiny, only to pick them up and carry them around, maybe inspecting them (as you'll see in the video), before releasing them again. I have other gentle actions planned too, not sure yet if they'll make it into the next version though.

What's next?

Bug fixing, a whole lot of it. There's also some more minor things I wanted to work on, like properly attaching the tinies to feet instead of going inside them or hovering next to them. Also I need a place for them to go after being eaten.


I've actually been drawing or rather sketching a few things. I'm planning to introduce a new character that has been 3 years in the making. By that I don't meant that I've been working on it for 3 years, only that I first sketched this character that long ago but never really made anything out of it until now. There will be a 4 page comic with that new character too, although I'll keep that in black and white or grayscale. the image above is a teaser of one panel in a rough sketch state.

Anything Else?

My Giant's Sandbox 0.0.5 video on Youtube got recently taken down, the issue has been resolved though. I guess macro fetish now always has to be flagged with an age restriction, especially if it shows some abuse of tinies. The more you know.

That's all for now.

Thank you for your time and support!


Player Handheld Interaction

Game download: https://youtu.be/nwml7HdEejM Consider supporting me and this project on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/evilsprite



Super excited to see house updates. and getting more and more excited for the next game update [as in actual version update lol], all this new content is looking awesome. :) I really admire your dedication to this project. And grateful you choose to share your talents like this. :)


This is Epic!!!


Now we just wait and see what gets released first: Giant's Sandbox or Dark Souls: Remastered