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-Story Time-

"It was a sunny day when you were walking through the city, people are going about their daily lives, everything seemed normal. All of a sudden it felt like though the ground was moving. Was it an earthquake? You noticed that your surroundings have fallen rather silent. Then screaming! You wanted to turn around to find the source but an incredibly strong tremor, knocked you off your feet. It was followed by a shockwave, windows shattered, car alarms were howling through the streets. You tried to get back up but it didn't take long for another equaly strong tremor to roll through the city again. People were falling over, screaming and running. What caused all this panic? As you turned around on your back you knew what was causing those earthquakes but you couldn't believe it, even though you saw it with your own eyes. It was me. A being of gigantic proportions, dressed in a purple robe, towering tall above your puny city, like a god looking down on his creation. Only I was not smiling upon you but rather looked at you with disdain. Slowly I lifted my right foot and moved it over the city. Dirt, rocks and debris were raining down on the city among other things that got stuck to my thick sole, walking this earth to crush one city after the other. My massive foot was slowly descending upon your city with a rumble, blocking out the sun in the process. A dirty sole the size of a town, coming closer and closer, making you realize how insignificant you were in comparison to it. The foot has gotten low enough to reach the tallest buildings which instantly burst into clouds of dust, spreading debris all around. Soon all this dust clouded your view and you were left with nothing but the sound of buildings all around you shattering to pieces, people screaming and crying, until a giant dark shape pushed itself through the dust and burying your tiny body underneath. I pushed my foot deep into the ground, making sure to flatten everyone and everything. Cities like these belong under my feet!"

The second of two sketches I did about two years ago of me wearing Toriel's robe. This time at a massive size and putting my paws to good use! >;3



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