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As the title suggests, things are going a little slow right now. I'm still working on stuff while feeling a little depressed, since my life is quite a mess at the moment. Let's just say that things need to change and change won't come unless I do something about it.

Also in terms of Patreon, I basically lost about 100$ this month due to fraudulent users, so yey. I found out that this is a common problem on this site. I never really thought about this before but that's a huge issue they need to resolve but apparently can't find a solution for. There is a "payment upfront" feature, which would fix this issue but is apparently still in beta and only selected Patreon users have access to it. It has been in that state for months now.

As for the Giant's Sandbox game, I started working on a new level which will be a giant house to run around in. Expect the first iteration to look very pale and empty. Besides that I'll be implementing and experimenting with a health and stamina system.

I might divert some of my time to a little side project, a fairly simple fan game. More on that at a later point.



Eek, getting ripped off sucks. x.O;


Yeah, sadly there is nothing I can do. It's just the way things currently are on this site.


Part of me wonders if there are glitches involved, too... in any event, hope things get better for you.