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Well...I lost count of how many times I've repackaged the build today. I can't locate the issue, internet is not helping me either. This issue affects both of the city levels. I thought it had something to do with the city assets, since I have two other simple levels, that actually work. So I removed asset after asset, packed the whole game anew, over and over for the last 6 hours to no avail.

I'm giving up. I'll delete the city maps and release a version with just the simple maps in it. It won't be pretty but at least there are no corners for the A.I. to get stuck on, so that's a plus. Also with all the city assets and landscapes gone, the overall size should be considerably smaller.

I'll rebuild city maps for the next update then. Luckily, I found a simple town asset collection on the UE4 asset store which was on sale for 5.50€. They won't look as pretty as the ones I had before but they're simple and shouldn't cause much problems (also there is vehicles in it too).

I'm sorry for delaying the release for so long. I really didn't expect to run into severe issues like that. Gotta learn from my mistakes and properly plan ahead next time, before making promises.

I have a headache...


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