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so been struggling to get thanksgiving ideas, was gonna do a mini comic idea for thanksgiving, so imma try pinups! below will be characters, it might not be all, but imma try all individually or in one pic :D 

there is a ton of minicomics i wanna do tho, so next month will prolly be that poll , and ill do some xmas stuff as a me thing <3



I remembered weren't u working on a comic long time back it was about Emily trying to get a seat at the adult table

Baby T

seems like we're getting too many wins for emily stuff in the polls, I'd advise excluding that topic from the next few polls so the others can have a chance at winning


Was that the as far as I know unfinished Thanksgiving comic from last year?


At the same time, some of us are tired of fan art, or at least fan art of the same characters all the time. In any case, the point of a poll is so that people can show their preferences.

Baby T

yeah I do like the cast of characters that pad tends to use most often but outside of fan-requested sketches there really isn't much else they've done, I can relate to an extent as I can never get enough sally, lilac, etc but my career as an artist is entirely for hobby and is 100% nonprofit so it gives me more justification to do what I want outside of requests. I'm pretty sure however, the poll decides what pad will do for each month's project


i found it it was this it's looks like Thanksgiving https://www.patreon.com/posts/thanksgiving-44395880


OK, then yes, it is. For some reason, I thought there was a member of Emily's extended family who was in diapers too in that comic.


Ebbs and flows. It wasn't all that long ago people requested more of Emily and her friends. Still seems to be the priority.

Baby T

"wasn't all that long ago" I'm preeeety sure this has been going on for at least a whole year


My concept of "not that long ago" is likely different from yours. Assuming I'm older, time slices are likely a lower percentage of my life so far than of yours.

Baby T

I'm only 20 years old so chances are you are older by a couple years at bare minimum, but that's besides the point, the emily art is hogging up the monthly projects this year and has taken up the majority of said projects across pad's entire career to this day, rouge may be overused to the point where having a lot of projects wouldn't be much better, but it beats the nonstop oc art we already have way too much of (no offense to pad)


oh its fine c: tbh i expected loona to win o3o shes kinda popular atm, but i always offer the option of emily and co for holiday stuff, dont worry upcoming months will be plenty of other stuff to choose from that isnt emily based c:


sadly, it was time zoz i did like it, but i am so bogged down, ill prolly get back to it tho at some point c8

Baby T

sounds good, it's just that people will and always have shown artistic biases towards the creator, aka appeal to authority fallacy, this is why hyrosdiaperdivas made changes to his system so other poll options would stand a chance, obviously the creater has the finally say in all regards but I think you should at least put my suggestion into consideration since we've been getting emily projects back to back for quite some time now, though no matter your choice I'll stay a patron of yours for life