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sorry to move it, but i been working so much the last few weeks i think i overdid it , trying to make up lost time x3x so im gonna work lightly on finishing easy stuff and stream tomorrow. im thinking between 3-5 cst. if i do it earlier, ill post it here! please forgive me, working hard to make sure i get everything back up and running x3x



Certainly don't want to overwork it or you could make it worse. Rest well and hope you feel better tomorrow!


I know you’re catching up, but be sure to take breaks often. Maybe a nice walk every so often.


It's OK, don't worry and take your time because your health is more important.

Baby T

I'd reccommend giving your arm a break every now and then, my elderly mother moved her arm the wrong way at work and now she can't use it for much anymore, I don't want the same to happen to you overtime, if you have another hobby that doesn't involve strenuous arm activity then once you get the chance explore some less stressful hobbies that you can do when you're not drawing, remember ulf, you're the center of your community, you're not mandated to anything for us! just get some rest dude, you're seriously starting to make me concerned of you, and as I said before, if you absolutely need to you can pause your patreon for a month or two and recover, there's nothing to lose from either side if you pause


I recommend you take a break dude.


I’d recommend he stay away from video games for a while too. Video games will be an arm stressor.


Take your time, we get it.