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Sphymm gets his freak on and works that tongue a bit extra! It's Sphymm's sex animations!

 Now, I'm not fully finished here-when am I ever? But it should almost be what I had needed for that move-on to further pastures (and creatures)- or ideas!! Lend those down to me if you've got them. That's what these posting communities are all about, anyways! Otherwise, you can catch me at the Discord, though you know my busy roll.

Controls (Lefthand control is keyboard/Righthand control is XInput- also the only way you'll get vibration):
ENTER/START- Start game
A(/X)- Attack
S(/A)- Jump
Directions- Move around
If tapping the link doesn't work, right-click, copy the link or address and add HTTP:// to the search URL.

Terrible happenings transpired near the end of the month to me, but I hope that this can cheer up the rest of your day... or work week. However these games seem to be indulged!

It's been a long trip, from the beginning of this Patreon, but I don't think the trip's ended yet with the ideas still flowin' in this noggin! A special thanks to the longtime backers, and the newcomers that may seem overwhelmed by the the items on this Patreon that date back a ways! We hear you too, and there's certainly more on the way soon! Later, however!



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