Toon Pimp's Fight Palace Ver.09 (Patreon)
Hey, all, TP here! Take this new version of Fight Palace, which at this point, should be close enough to the evos, but we'll see. New to this are some rebalances, animation adjustments, new levels (Cartesian Forest, Rolly's Mural, Palace Convention Center, Palace Exterior), and the most obvious addition, Tina! She's the rootin' and tootin' sci-fi fox-babe I've had practically since the beginning of my Flash endeavors, so it only seems right that she should step into the hallowed halls of the Fight Palace for a crack at the gold!
DOWNLOAD the latest version of Toon Pimp's Fight Palace!!!! (Warning: hefty sized 7zip file.)
If you need 7zip, grab it right from here.
I want to thank you all personally for sticking through with this since its beginnings, and all newcomer Patrons. Well, new and old alike, I think you get me. Thanks for making an effort like this possible, since it isn't the easiest to piece together a one-man fullgame, even in one of the supposedly easiest engines to understand. Please, let us know personally in our Discord what tweaks could still be made, I know some are still pending, but it'll get there. Thank you again for your support, and my gratitude is hopefully shown through in this product! Merry (pending) Christmas!