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The commission list is almost done, so I'm opening the next round of commission intake.

The link to the form is below, and as before, I'll take the first 10 on the list according to the time entered from 12am, 05 Nov 2023, UTC+8 timezone.

A reminder that the commission price is $50 usd per model, and one commission per person.


As the countdown timer worked so well the last time, I use the same website and made one myself.


Let me know if there are any questions or comment.


herp da derp

What are the requirements for you to be able to get a charcter? Does it have to be from a preexisting game, does it need to be a certain game etc


Yay! Can't wait! 😀

Well Whynot

So in other words, he form submission has to be done after the 12am, 05 Nov 2023, UTC+8 timezone and not before?


Yes. Seeing as I am only taking 10 submissions there has to be some kinda limit. I'm just giving early notice so people can prepare, as previously there are people complaining that there isn't enough time give.