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Commission by BankersHill

Not very good with those texture due to lack of skill. If someone manage to do better, please let me know so I can share them.




YEEEESSS!!! Jooolyyyyyneeee! XD Can't wait to try her out lol.. any other characters from the same season coming? Any chance we'll see Gwess? ^_^

Mr. B

Cell shaded to photorealistic is damn near impossible. You've got to be pretty talented to cross that bridge and not make it look weird.


Honestly, hopefully not. My texture skills are not up to recreating Jojo's style under the clothing.

Leonardo Caravaccio

That's unfortunate to hear, but I tried it and it seems fine, you did a good job replicating those stylised shadows around muscles. And about under the clothes, it's not like you have a lot of references so don't take it too hard on yourself. Jojo is also a lot about fashion clothing so, personally, i regard this as a good job, like you pretty much always do :)


Thanks. That's nice to hear. I was kinda worried about this, as Jojo fans are scary. :)