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I am almost done with the current list, so I'm opening the first commission batch. 

Commission price is $50 per model, and I'll like to limit it to max 3 per person, so as to allow more people instead of 1 person taking all the slots. 

Please send your commission either by PM or replies to this post. I'll go according to the timestamp for 20 commissions this batch. There will be no advance booking of the next batch to prevent piling up of commissions. 

Once the 20 commissions are in, commissions will be closed until I have completed this 20, at which time they'll reopen again, hopefully in a month or so.

Let me know if you have any questions. 

Edit:  20 slots are filled. I'm closing this round of commission for now. Thank you for the support. 



So... When did you plan on finishing my two?


I commented on DeviantArt (name is manikus).


Sorry, please remind me which two? I can't find your name on my list. https://www.deviantart.com/shinteo/journal/Status-Jan-2023-Update-943232437


Keisonkingu on DeviantArt. We discussed two projects last December, you said you added them to your list to get to when you were able


Do I message you here then if there is still a slot available?


Yes, yours is already on the list, though a separate one. I'll work on the two at the same time.

VR AnimeTed

Omg, I missed it.


Damn, that was quick. Not surprising though. That's okay. I'll wait for next time.


That filled fast


About 20 mins. I might need to do a little change. Perhaps alternating between here and deviantarts. Hmm...


Sorry. Perhaps 20 slots are too little, but I don't want people to have to wait a year after commissioning again.

The Shadow Novus

Fuuuuuuuck My phone *just* sent me this T_T Oh well.


Maybe next time. Glad to see business is booming!


Damn, I'll have to be quicker next time 😭


Next time I will give you my order right away 😉