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There will be a slight change to the rules of downloading and using my converts. 

- Do not sell  my converts. I provide them for free, so if you want to distribution them, do not charge money for them.

The reason for the change is detailed in the post linked here, if you are interested in that. 


Rule change to my converts. by Shinteo on DeviantArt

Do not sell my converts. I provide them for free, so if you want to distribution them, do not charge money for them. The reason for this is due to the action of this person. https://www.deviantart.com/thestudio-x If you look at his gallery, he took my converts, as well as from others like Checkertoo and sold them on renderhub.



we have been dealing with scum like that for years in the XPS community

VR AnimeTed

Wow, what a tool. Threats right out the gate are def. no way to deal with conflict. I hope they take down his stuff now and if not, seems like it'd be worth taking their deal of taking control of your items in the store if for nothing else than to get them off his. Pretty shady of them to look at the situation as a whole and say they take things seriously, but you saying do what you want justifies him selling the models with no additional changes. Fair Use states that the work must be transformative from the original and you completely replacing the body of the character and sculpting it to form counts as transformative, so you're in the legal clear as well, where he is not. The worse he can do is try to get some company to C&D, but the chances are slim it would be anyone beyond Blizzard and Nintendo and in that case it's a small portion of your content, not the whole collection.

Mr. B

You were looking to drop patron anyway, right?


The chats are very revealing. I am sorry for you being stalked by a mad man like this. And I am sorry how that platform has reacted. They just lost a customer.

Bryan Stone

Is this person getting banned by Renderhub? Such dishonesty nowadays.


What an ass. He had someone asking if he did commissions and I replied that he didn't because he was swiping things from you and Checkertoo and to come here and support the actual creators


I was, but too many people don't want to move, so I'll be around here for the time being.


Kinda makes me wonder what exactly is he thinking. It seems really stupid to do that to your supplier.


I remember hearing talk about it here and there, though I wasn't really in that community.


I can't believe that you have to go through crap like that. Don't worry, You'll still have my support. I hope this won't stop you from commissions or requests.

Mr. B

Hmm, somebody's Renderhub page is blank..... Shinteo, ol' boy, get ready to get flamed. And if you have to move, just tell me where, I'll follow you over.

Timothy Crosby

I am also a Patron of Shinteo and either he or someone else is charging money on Renderhub for Characters off the Patreon page. I found out because I bought some characters I already had from being a Patron. I confess I alter the characters to my liking but would never sell basically the identical character that even loads in the original creators files. Straight up robbing from you as well as the people who subscribe to you. Thought a lot of shit on that site looked the same as other creators characters. Some people in this world are just scumbags.


it's all kind of stupid in a way (if i can say)... first because it's unrespectful for the person who work on convert the model; But also because it's against laws and rules of copyright by original creators, like for exemple, Marvel or whoever made the models at base... porting them is , in my opinion, not an enougth work to pretend to own the model completly. But heh, some people may get in troubles one day, and we know who will have troubles... XD