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I was playing this game, and this model was ported to xps, so I decided to convert it. A pity her staff isn't ported along with her. 

29 09 2021
Added Kena Staff send to me by a kind soul on Discord. Also fixed a little texture error on the feet of Kena. The texture fix is in the main folder, and the staff in a new folder.




What game is this from?


She is sweet


Well that was quick! Me: Ooo finally this game is out! I wonder if... Shinteo: Done.


So I don't know if this is the fault of the XPS converter author, or Ember Lab themselves, but I noticed the sole of her foot has weird texture graphics. I cleaned it up the best I knew how to in PS, but the top of her big toe (both of them) has the same thing no matter what I do, no idea where it's coming from. Eventually I just said screw it, and I replaced her entire skin texture with Shinteo's Rikku from FFX10-2; it seems to best match her original, minus the eyes and arm vein thing. Then I just loaded her original eyes back in, the arm vein thing I can't help but I don't really care about it.


That's my bad. She doesn't have feet in the original model, and I forgot about it, so there are artifacts. I uploaded a fix for it.

Simply Asa

Kena and Pauling are both great choices. Also I didn't know you have a Discord. Do you have a server?


very cute. great work and conversion.