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There is a heavy drop from Jun to Jul, with over 100 people unsubscribing, apparently. I have observed a similar drop every month before it builds back up again, though this is the greatest so far, and I am wondering if this is the reason for the weird discrepancy between the expected earnings and actual pay out, with a difference of over $600 this time, compared to last month's $400 plus.

With this, it is pretty clear that their "Charge up front" system is not working, and people are taking advantage of it to unsubscribe before the month end. When I contacted the Patreon support, they insist that the system is working, but as evidenced, that is not the case. 

In a previous poll, most people told me that they like it here and aren't willing to move to a different platform. There are also a number of people who pledged for an entire year, and as such cannot be expected to change platform. As such, I am more or less stuck here.

 In such a situation, I'd like to ask those people who unsubscribe just before the month end. Is there anything else I can do to improve the situation? Anything specific that you are not happy about in the way I am currently operating and thinks there is room for improvement?

Also, I'd like to make it clear. I am extremely grateful for those people who have genuinely supported me in this. You guys have made it possible for me to survive the whole of last year relatively intact, and words cannot say how much I appreciate and am thankful for that.  

I am not really expecting much to come out from this post, to be honest. Most of those people who unsubscribe are likely people who just take advantage of the system to get early access. And I am ok with that, as it is initially just a way to reward those who have genuinely supported me, and that purpose hasn't changed. It's just kinda disheartening to see such drops. And also to complain to you helpless listeners :D 




I think you're looking too deep into this. At least for me the charge up front works properly. I think you have noticed a deep dip in patrons because a lot of people pledged for lady D and are not interested in (sorry to say) mediocre naruto models (not your fault the model is low poly, but it just doesn't look good at all) or low poly bandicoot ports...


Man that is such a dick move. Its like they pledge to get all your stuff and then unsub and leave once they got it.


Personally I think for a lot of people it's purely financial. You said yourself that it dips and then goes back up again. The 1st of the month is a time when most people have bills due and Patreon only bills on the 1st of the month. That would explain end of month cancellations and resubscribing later on.


I deal with the same thing all the time. I'm just glad I get something.


I can see how that is disheartening. I think a lot of people probably are interested in a model or two, sub to get them then unsub. I wouldn't take it personally, maybe they're just not looking for a regular payment type thing. Maybe you could send the models via DM instead, that way they wouldn't all be accessible from your page directly and ask for extra contributions to catch up on older models? Not sure if that is a better solution though, it's probably more work.

Timothy Crosby

4th of July money goes to Partying.

Tom Reynolds

Hey dude, a couple points 1) Patreon now counts patrons who cancel during the month all the way until the end of the billing period, meaning a lot of the patrons you're losing are actually leaving mid month and being counted until the end 2) Patreon also counts anyone with billing issues as a lost patron at month end, then will notify you when they join as if they're a new patron, when really their payment has just cleared. This is important, your patron count isn't as low as you think it is, it'll go up 3) While I spend my time on patreon creating sexy comics, my day job is as a data analyst. I've helped out a bunch of other patreon creators with some basic analytics to give you a better idea of what to expect month by month, where your trends are heading etc. Hit me up if you're interested in me doing some free analysis for you. Might help clear some stuff up 4) Payment in advance is much better than people being able to join, take as much content as they want and leave before payment at the end of the month. Let me know :)


I subbed two weeks ago and I was charged up front. After seeing how well the models are here, I'm now an annual sub.

Hotaru Tomoe

I think too that some people just see what models are coming for the next month, don’t see anything that they’d be interested in, and bail. I’ve almost done that a few times, but honestly having to sub/unsub like that is more hassle than just leaving it alone. Kind of the nature of the beast really; the random “request” format means that there will be months that I’m constantly checking because something cool is coming, and others where I don’t bother with anything. Models that some people can’t wait to get, others are completely indifferent to.


I think these are people that are simply not interested in the upcoming models and will eventually comeback once they see something of their interest. See it as netflix


Perhaps those are people who have seen the list for June - July and they wasn't interested in it so they moved but I to be honest I used to do the same thing, entered when I saw something interesting once I get all I wanted then I leave, however it is not really great strategy and quite hassle, so I stopped it 5 usd monthly isn't such big amount of money for me... at least now.


Most likely. It's just irritating that none of the figures that Patreon offers tally with one another. They all say different things. About all I can say for sure is that there are more supporters every month, which I should just take as a good thing and forget about the accounting.


The thing is I don't know if that is the case or not. By right that should not happen, as the "charge up front" setting is suppose to prevent that. But Patreon insist that its working, and some of the replies here say the same, which means the problem is most likely on my end. Perhaps I am simply looking too much into this.


Yeah, that'll take up massive amount of time, as I have something like 600 supporters here at this time. I think the current system seems to work best all around.


Enjoy :D I have heard lots about that celebration, and it does sound a lot of fun. The one we have here is a little more subdued.


Indeed. Perhaps I should look more to the positive, that people are willing to support at all in the first place, and not think so much about the negative. It might be more a mindset then anything.


That sounds really nice. Would be nice to have someone that can make sense of Patreon's numbers look at it. Maybe because I'm not very good at it, but none of the numbers I saw tally.


Makes sense. Guess I should concentrate on clearing models rather then counting pennies, and just be appreciative of what I do get.


Yeah. The more replies I see, the more I think its more of a me problem. Thanks for answering.


Thank you. Hope amongst the models this round is something you would want


If it's people who are only subbing when commissions are open/waiting for their models then they will probably wait to re-subscribe when you open the next commissions list. For me, I'm fine with just leaving the 5 dollar sub up. I may not be interested in EVERY model on the list, but there is usually some I want and 5 bucks is no big thing.


I think your terms are just fine, and your work is really top notch.


This is just a blind guess, but I suppose people who do that, it's because their money is pretty tight and they want to have the option to resub if and when they see something they like in a given month, rather than having the money come out automatically each month. What you're asking is quite low given the amount of work you put out, but coupled with several dozen other patreon subscriptions, for some people it could get to a point where they want to meter their payments. Either way, I get where you're coming from. I can certainly see why it's disheartening. But know that a LOT of people really do love your work, and the effort definitely isn't going unnoticed! Hopefully it keeps getting the proper reward it deserves, too. :)


I have been experiencing similar drops since January. I think it is because a lot of people pledge and immediately unpledge to not accidentaly forget to unpledge later. Before 2021 those people were immediately removed from the count / didn't appear in it and now they stay in the count until first day of next month.


I know quite a few 3D artists (who create scenes with your models) that I shared your page with and that signed up, that have mentioned to me that they initially joined for the Resident Evil (especially Lady D) models but didn't feel the need to stay after getting that model and noticed things went to mostly "Naruto" or "Dragon Ball Z" scene commissions rather than model releases that they were interested in. Most of them that left joined for a set type of models and once those weren't being as focused on, decided it wasn't worth it staying. I stay because I like all of them and find a way to make at least the outfits fit in and I love the RE and TLoU models and look forward to it, but a lot of people that I have spoken with are more focused on grabbing the realistic models rather than the anime based ones or commissioning someone else to make a scene for them. I would do a pole and see what people are interested in. I know a lot of people who would be head over heals for some Silent Hill monsters, Dead By Daylight bosses, more Resident Evil ones. Horror in general. And I don’t know anything about converting games to DAZ, but maybe some of the interiors/exteriors of houses/buildings/towns. And then maybe only release 1-2 of the really good, high poly models a month to keep people coming back. I would pay more myself if we had some really good, high poly Silent Hill monsters (Especially Pyramid Head!).


I mean to be honest, I'd say that you're by far one of my favorite porters do to the simple fact that it seems like you're constantly putting out new models, and I know that's one hell of a process. I agree with the last comment in where some people just join to get certain models. It may also be worth mentioning that in one Discord server I'm in, there's a number of 3D artist that are subbed to you and seem to have the mindset that some your models don't have great texture once loaded in. Me personally I don't see much of a problem, except for a few time maybe, but its nothing we can't fix on our own. It really just comes down to the fact that people have different standards and taste, and I defiantly feel like there's always room for improvement. Even if you're already the best


Thank you. Yes, textures is one of my weakness. Most times though, it's the limitation of the models I had to work with.


Thanks. Most models are determined by commissions after all. I guess I really shouldn't be surprised if people who come for Lady D left after that. It makes sense.


Wonder why they changed that. It'll make things much easier the other way around.


There is no issue with your work. Sometimes I am excited to see the toon models, since you're the only person who does them well (the others just seem to request a bunch of realistic stuff). I personally like to make stuff with and adjust your models sometimes. You already know. But I don't unsub when I see all of these realistic models pop in. You have two audiences, it seems. And that's okay. I think you're doing fine and there's not much to look into. Someone else suggested having a poll, but I don't know how much that'd help, given that yes, it's commission based. I think you should make it more obvious that people can make commissions if they decide they want something specific. I would also suggest having something up, so that people can submit a commission and have it be added to a public list once it's up?


Thanks. Hmm... Something to think about and look into in the future, after this round is over. Having over 100 models in one shot isn't ideal either.


I like your work and I will always support you.


Hi, I subbed for on year to thank you for the toons models for G8F. Especially Lola Bunny. I hope you will do more like her , but anyway, it's already paid ;)


Thank you. I did see some toon models on the list, so there are some coming.

Mau Cole

I really like the work you do, and will keep my subscription. :)

Mau Cole

keep posting.

Mega Sun

I didn't really follow your posts for a while, so I didn't read this earlier. Just share some thought, maybe the way that paying only gives you 1 month advantage is not too attractive? I admire your works, still many of your output are out of my interest, maybe pay per model download suits me better? I'm not sure. BTW, I saw other people selling your works! I didn't download, but I looked very carefully, I'm quite sure many of these are your works. I don't know what can we do about it though, I don't see a button to report this seller. https://www.renderhub.com/ryonacomics


Yeah. The guy is a private commissioner. Though I have stopped working with him. He did ask for permission before selling, though as expect, I am not very comfortable with that after all. You can always wait a month before downloading. The only advantage of being a patreon is the early access to models. All my converted models will be public after a month.