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Just a quick update for you guys. Wouldn't really be uploading much for the next 3-5 days, estimated. The next few commissions on the list are private ones, so please give me a little time to clear them before I resume the regularly scheduled uploads :D 



Will the private ones be available to download?


Good luck. You need the rest.


Holiday? What is that?


Still working. Just that because they are private, they would not be uploaded here, but sent directly to the commissioner is all.


I mean wish you a happy New Year and look forward to more interesting works


If any one here could help it would be much appreciated. I’ve downloaded the zip files for some characters and moved them into a folder I created under daz studio formats I then showed daz when to find them. Everything shows up beautifully accept some of the textures won’t appear when I load the character yet when I look for them in the folder on my drive they’re all present. What am I doing wrong?


I can help you, you send an email (flystu@qq.com) to me, I will give you a detailed introduction