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Commission by 852 tamaki

The coat is manual posting, didn't manage to make Dforce work with it. 

This month seems to be Final Fantasy month. One more FF character to go... then 11 more models and 12 pictures to go... I'm not sure if I can finish them all on time... 

Also, I am considering shutting down the commissions here for a month while I clear the deviantart commissions. Some of them are almost 6 months backlog and it's starting to feel embarrassing to keep them waiting. Or I can do a limited intake of say, 20 models here, instead, just so I can clear those a little.

What do you guys think?

Edit: Just discovered that all the normal maps are inverted. Corrected the maps.




Not a bad idea. You're only one person and I suspect your Patreons would understand. Stop the commissions for a bit then take a few days off for yourself. After that get caught up :)

852 tamaki

Good job. Thanks. I guess your patreons would not mind if you make an announcement well in advance.


Agreed, you should do what you think is best. You've done alot, as someone who got his comm finished as well, I thought it would take much longer considering I made it pretty recently. I'm sure most will understand that you want to finish up old commissions.

Volcanic Forge Miniatures

I'm relying on you for a big rendering project I want to do, hence all the commissions I've bought. Definitely take a break and catch up on stuff, but if you could please keep a few commissions open, I would really appreciate it.


I plan to keep 20 slots, so there will be space for yours, no worries.