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The poll for the free model of Feb ended with just a little over half of my patrons voting, and Ariel won the vote. Though perhaps I shouldn't have put in KH3 version in there. That might have influenced the vote a little. 

I do have some outstanding due to some last minute patrons joining in the last week of Feb, and Feb is already the shortest month of the year. Thank God this year is a leap year, which gives me an extra day to try and clear things. Thus Ariel will have to wait a couple of days while I finish up the rest of the month's work.

Regardless, thanks to this experience, I am adding an additional rule of a cutoff time and date for submissions, which will be 11:59pm 7 days before the end of the month. In the case of March, that'll be on the 24th. This will ensure that I can complete the work on time, and deal with any last minute issues that crop up. Anything after that date will be moved to the next month. 

Hope this is acceptable by you guys.


Naruto7 Natsu

That's totally fine, mate. 👍🏼