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Commission by Ookami88
Then if you don't mind, I'd like to request one pic with 2 characters  for the January. It will be a continuation of the previous one you did  for me,  patreon.com/posts/commission-31865872  "Hanging Around", so again Hinata nad Tenten from Shippuuden.  Preferebly I'd like them to be in the same positions, meaning Hinata on  the right side and Tenten on the left.  Because the two kunoichi proved to be a bit more stubborn than their  captors have anticipated, it was decided to 'soften them up': 

Hinata - strapped to a mechanical table, half-lying half standing, two  brushes run up and down her sides, her immobile feet are also tickled by  two more cylindrical brushes, while her pussy is teased by a vibrating  massager-like gadget - references sta.sh/216av1m5398i 

Tenten - hands tied above her head, kneeling, between her legs runs a  rope with beads that teased her pussy, and her torsoe gets assaulted  with feathers - references sta.sh/21fsywmwjfe0  

Interestingly, Daz does not have a lot of things associated with tickling, which surprise me, given how popular this particular fetish is. There are far more props and poses dealing with pain then laughter... I wonder what that says about the people using this software...

Anyway, I tried my best and found a mechanical rotation device. It was originally outfitted for automatic spanking, but I retrofit that paddle with a softer material and position it so that it lightly brushes the sensitive parts. It should work out well enough in place of feathers, of which there is a dire lack of.




I'll admit that it is not perfectly accurate to my request, however I understand technical difficulties playing a hand here. I have no idea how Daz operates, so I believe what you say. Can't say that your manipulations of the tips to 'look softer' really give that impression, but having them at the length as you have put them I can imagine them only brushing over the girls' bodies, not doing much harm if they are set on decent speed and nothing too extreme. Anyway, I'm quite satisfied on how this turned out. I'll take into consideration what you have shared in your notes here about Daz data base for props and try to adjust my next potential request.