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These models are a pain and a half to get out. Especially the Mistral outfit, AKA the season 4 outfit. The official Grimm Eclipse model is horrible as usual, and it is the MMD and SFM models that came to the rescue. I took bits from all three though, but retooled them quite heavily. MMD has a tendency to ignore good geometry when building meshes, with random holes and non connecting edges. I clean it up as best I could, but let me know if I missed any, SFM isn't much better in this regard, since most RWBY SFM models are based on the MMD version anyway. But this time I got lucky in that the SFM model has quite a bit of additional details in the model not present in the MMD ones, so this is kinda the best of all worlds.

The other models have nothing much to talk about. I added Dforce to those with skirts, but so far while testing, only the sleepwear really benefit from it. The rest just looks weird with Dforce. I left it in just in case you guys want to use it.

At the same time I'll like to take the chance to wish everyone Happy New Year, and a prosperous 2020. Thank you all so much for supporting my work. I know I don't say it often enough, but I really am thankful for everyone's support. 

We just broke through $500 per month this month, thus ensuring that I can do this full time. I know I am already been doing so for the last few months, but I was also looking for a job in the meantime as well. But with this goal reached, I can concentrate fully on this instead, so thank you all. 
