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 Commission from David Maddern

 Starfire, Tsunade, and Kasumi from DOA if you have her, Mito i you don't, Being forced to put on bikini's like the one Princess Leia had from Return of the Jedi. Tsunade should have hers on, Starfire should be nude hand holding the bra portion, and Mito should have the loin-cloth on and reaching for the top. An ANBU should be standing by with a cattle prod to 'motivate them'.

Since this one is already so late, I worked overtime and got it out ASAP. Sorry about that. 

Another update. Over the Christmas week, I'll be overseas again, this time to Japan. 



David Maddern

Nice touch, having Jabba in the background and BB-8 in the corner there. Very cute.

David Maddern

I'm still thinking up the two Christmas themed pics for this month, but for the third choice, I actually want you to pic one of the scenes from LemonSage's 'The Pride' and make a render of that. I want to give it to Sage-san as Christmas gift this year, and as a shameless push to get him back on that fic - I like it almost as much as Eroninja. I leave the choice of scene up to you - we can give it to him together.


OK. I'll have to go re-read that fic then. I must confess, I have forgotten most of it already