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Commission from TheEldritchPrince 


 Sakura and Ino having a rap battle in a club. Whoever is crowdfiller is up to you.

 Also I'm kind of imagining pre-timeskip Ino and Sakura just shouting at  each other with microphones in one hand, gestures in the other. If that  helps. 


Since I can guess that there will be a nude request, I thought to just combine the two together.

Edit: Due to the request of the commission giver, I'm removing the nude edit.




a tip; if it's underage, don't do a nude alt


Should have expected when I actually do it, it would not be wanted... JK.

David Maddern

Sorry I haven't been around to comment recently. Just started a new job working at an elderly care home. Good money, good hours, but lots to learn. That said, interesting series of pics lately guys. As a music lover, I applaud the karaoke theme for this one.

David Maddern

As to my own requests, for the first one I'm thinking Widowmaker holding Sakura and Harley at rifle point, forcing the two to strip in a foggy forest setting. Harley should be down to her hot pants, while Sakura (Shippuden form) should be nude save for a pink bra. Naruto should be sneaking up behind Widowmaker, ready to knock her out. This'll be part of a story line series, Shin, so get ready my friend.


Was wondering where you ran off to. So you stop being a cook at a restaurant and went to cook for the elderly? Good job :)


So Harley using the same set of clothing as the one in the kick vs hands vs pie pic?