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Commission from David Maddern

 I'm thinking a forest setting, maybe with a river. Ivy would be nude, pressed face first to a tree, with Guren squating next to her in just a thong, running her hands over one of Ivy's legs. Widowmaker should be lying on one of the limbs of another tree, one her side facing the camera, in some skimpy outfit/lingerie/bikini. Around Ivy and Guren's tree there should be some new flowers and sunshin, while Widowmaker's tree should have some rain coming down on it. I leave the title of this one up to you. 


With a river, and two trees, there isn't much space for 3 ladies, so you get the zoomed out view. Due to this pic, I learned some new photoshop tricks, so it's pretty fun.



David Maddern

Sorry for the late reply. Been busy at work since this is the last week before they shut down - and fire all of us who have remained. Good news is I have managed to secure a new job (better paying and better hours to boot!), and they have to pay me two weeks severance, a week's bonus for staying to the end, AND 8 days holiday pay that I accrued but couldn't take, on top of the 70+ hours I've earned this week. Nice little bump to the acct. While I wait for the new job to start. Anyway, about the pic - as usual, it came out excellent. The only thing that could have improved it, and this is my fault for not requesting it that way in the first place, would be to swap Guren's and Widowmaker's places. Mainly because Widowmaker's skin tone makes her a little hard to see in the shadow. Something I'll remember the next time I request her.

David Maddern

And now, for the first request of April. Since you've got my girl Sombra now, she gets the spot-light along with Mabui and Konan. I'm thinking a simple 'Dancing in the Rain' style pic, with Mabui and Sombra both completely nude, and Konan between them in just a thong. Positioning and location I'll leave to you, since I know water effects are tricky. I'd suggest making Mabui and Konan appear slightly embarrassed, while Sombra should be playful (fitting given her personality - I love her cinematic for the Overwatch shorts on Youtube). Other than that, go wild my friend. I know you'll knock this one out of the park like always.