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Commission from  ZelgadisGW 


Characters from Naruto Shippuden: Kiba Inuzuka, Matsuri 

Matsuri is placed in a stocks and dragged by Kiba (in a similar way like  in the Quiet picture). Both of them are fully nude, Kiba has an  erection. 

As for background: some kind of forest would do. 


First commission here other then from my good friend David Maddern. This took a while because both characters had not been converted to G8 yet, so that took some time. Also the posing of Akamaru also took some time. I also had to work up some motivation to work on Kiba. For some reason, I never like working with nude males...

The experiments on creating the shadows on the floor also took multiple renders to work out. Otherwise it wouldn't look convincing to be in a forest.  



David Maddern

Strange, I posted the next request last night, but it doesn't seem to be here. Ah well, I'll do it again. This one is Tsunade, Tsume Inuzuka, and Mei Terumi. Call it Milf Interrogation Tactics. Tsunade should be nude, face down on that rack model you have. Mei should be in stocks, also nude, with Naruto standing next to her with his hand on her ass. Finally, Tsume should be hanging by her ankles in the middle of the room, panties only, with her arms tied behind her back. Don't worry about her hair hanging down - I chose Tsume for this because of her wild hair do. Looking forward to seeing you pull this one off.

David Maddern

Glad to see others getting their requests in. This is a pretty good pic. I actually like Kiba as a character - he's kinda like the bumbling cousin who visits, causes a few problems, but is otherwise still a nice guy to know. And, of course, being someone into BDSM, Matsuri's situation also appeals. Nice work Shin, and nice request ZeldadisGW.