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 Request from David Maddern 


 So, here's the idea; Samui, Karui, and if you have her Mabui, all chained to posts with their chests thrust forwards. If you only have the first two, Naruto should be standing between them, back to the camera, holding a cattle prod to one of their tits. If you have all three, each should be hooked up to a battery, with little red pads on their tits and a third just above their pussies. Hope this doesn't get too complicated for you. 


It did got rather complicated, mainly in that those battery with little red pads don't actually exist. Or at least that I can find. So you get the cattle prod version. 



David Maddern

No problem. I thought it might get a little tricky, that's why I offered two versions of the idea. I'm happy to see that you do have Mabui in your collection. She needs more love. Even tough love like this ;-). Thanks again , Shin.


Yeah, she is in the Storm 4 game, and I used her before on one of the Eroninja pics. Speaking of which, I really should go do some more Eroninja pics. It's been a while since the last one... I miss the days when I can churn them out 1 a day...

David Maddern

We'd all love to see some more of those. I don't have any plans for next months requests yet, so feel free to catch up with Deviantart and Eroninja. Looking forward to seeing the 'uncensored' versions of some of those pics showing up here. I really want to see Temari's fan dance from "Target: Samui".

David Maddern

While I'm fighting off a sinus infection here, I've taken the time to come up with the first new request for August. Not a bondage pic (a rarity from me, I know :-), but still something fun I think. Karin, Kushina, and Mei, all nude and posed in different positions like they're dancing in a strip club with various articles of clothing scattered around. I was thinking that Kushina would be bent over, facing sideways, Mei would be kneeling down, facing forwards with her legs spread, and Karin would be facing backwards, maybe with one leg wrapped around a pole. Call it "Red Light Special at Club N". I think even Sage-san would approve of it.............man I hate being sick...


You must have really wanted the club scene :) Sorry I am moving so slowly on the Eroninja pics. Hope you are feeling better.