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 Request from David Maddern 


This one has Samui, Mei Terumi, and Shizune all in a doctors office. Mei should be nude, strapped to a chair like that Interrogation Tactics pic I had you do with Anko, Tsunade, Ino, and Sakura. Samui should be kneeling on the floor nearby, also nude, a collar with a chain arround her neck leading to the ceiling. Shizune should be in a skimpy nurses outfit, standing over Mei. The skirt should be short enough to get a clear view of Shizune's bare ass. She should be holding a medical tool of some kind, I'll leave the type up to you.  


Having a skirt short enough to get a clear view is impossible... There is no clothing mesh short enough for that... Thus I made 2 pics, one with the nurse outfit, and one nude. Hope this would work for you



David Maddern

Actually, I almost consider it a bonus. Don't worry about it, I'm quite pleased. Thanks again Shin.