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Man your friends really didn't make it easy. All that running around, chasing them up alleyways and through apartment blocks. I was so out of breath!

But it was all pointless in the end. I caught them all. Every. Single. One. Can you guess what happened to them? Can you guess what I did to them? Here, lemme give you a hint. Put your head up against my gut. Do you hear that? Those moans... those whimpers... all your friends digesting away in my ravenous stomach.

Aw don't cry... you're gonna see them again very soon! I wouldn't want to break up the set. I just gotta make some room for ya, I'm super stuffed! Who knew gulping down half a dozen teenagers would be so filling?


Ahhh, that felt good. I could almost taste that last guy again. Anyways, I suppose we've chatted long enough. You look so... delicious. And we shouldn't keep your friends waiting. I know I said stop crying, but honestly, your tears are just gonna make you even tastier. Say hi to your friends for me, or at least what's left of them...





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So brutal, I love it 😉 An entire friendship group wiped out by your gluttonous gut