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Well, it's going to seem like foreshadowing or a tiny hint to most readers of TFS; however, you all will know better. A few months ago, we had a poll to decide A's pet along with his name! 

[Alternate Text: A GIF of a racoon sitting at a diner table and eating some green grapes. He uses his little bandit hands to nimbly remove a grape before popping it in his mouth to savor. He's cute. There is some text that pops up at the end; it reads: "Thanks mom!".] 

Your votes helped to shape this aspect of the narrative. You'll be meeting Huckleberry during the course of the second book, but I was delighted while writing the below variation for MCs who are close to A. Corvin since you will know it holds deeper meaning. It isn't just a cute, random doodle. 🦝

 "My doodle is at least worth two points," A enthusiastically asserts. "At least."

The light-hearted conversation between you and A is broken up by the faint clinking of your grandfather's keys. By now, it should be easy to isolate the one for the shop, but the pieces of metal slip and slide over each other, creating a cluttered mess. Why couldn't he have labeled them? "Did you try to solve it?"

"It was a trick question, I think…" they trail off. "I hope? Delaney is more of an evil genius than mad scientist, so he would put something like that on the test to psych us out. He's a little sadistic, honestly."

"What did you draw?" you wonder, finally locating the correct key and locking the door.

 "A raccoon on tiny skis with a scarf. I gave him a winter hat that has a fluffy pom-pom on it. If I had time, I would've colored it red for Maβ€”" 

And then, of course, something else happens to interrupt this sweet moment. πŸ‘€ 

Still, this exchange brings back up the exam many of you will remember from Chapter 1 along with Huckleberry and another hint about why red would be the chosen color for the doodle. I hope these nods in the text make you as TFS patrons happy/pleased/excited to see your influence while reading! πŸ₯°


Renata G.

All foreshadowings 😍 ALSO SWEET MOMENTS WITH A!! PRECIOUS MOMENTS!! I LOVE THIS!! Zarina herself cannot draw anything so A will be the master painter because she cannot draw anything aside from floor plans, maps, and anything that is more logical and specific instead of creative. It's a tragedy, really. But RACOON!! I LOVE RACOONS THEY'RE SO CUTE


Yes, so many slivers and dapplings of foreshadowing will be lovingly sprinkled throughout the series! πŸ’šπŸŒ² I'm happy that you're excited for more time with precious A; I know they're excited to get closer to Zarina and be friends again. πŸ’›πŸ˜ They would find Zarina's ability for cartography and diagrams interesting even if it's not as visual or artsy as some other forms--it still takes a lot of skill and practice. They would probably doodle a sea monster on any maps she would draw or add to her drawings, if allowed to. I'm excited for you to meet their pet! 🦝