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Hi Returning Visitors,

Key highlights of this update and reminders:

  • My typical gentle nudge to remember to add my email address can be found here. It's important for the TFS character portrait inquiries and welcome message I promptly send out. Also, remember to check your spam folder and to reach out to me, if needed.
  • We have a poll upcoming in a few days; well, five days, but still! 💛🦝
  • The writing pace is steamrolling recently! I've been so excited for these scenes.
  • Details, details, and more details! (An example of how they're woven into Book Two,)
  • Book Two Snippet: Pulling away from a Verner isn't easy.

Who knew lovingly agonizing over names for A's pet raccoon could be so interesting? 😌

I've been considering things like A's affinity to baking, A's heritage (more so on their mom's side), how some names can create easy nicknames, and alliteration. It might seem like overkill, but many of you know how I select things with meaning, especially the characters' names/surnames. (I did a Lacuna Ramble about their surnames a while back; it might be fun to eventually do one about the first names. )  I hope that you'll have fun along with a tough time while deciding which name to lock-in for him. The poll will be released early on the 15th!

Adorable raccoon aside, naturally I've been writing, although I'm eager to share that things are rapidly taking shape with me wrapping up these sections that have been planned for a while. I believe part of it is because I've been so eager to write these contained, romance variations across all of the routes along with heightening the mystery. 💚 Unlike the RO excursions and date branches that take around a half an hour to play when first experiencing them, these are self-contained glimpses of intimacy that further your romantic dynamic. For instance, S-mancers falling into a natural, somewhat domestic, rhythm of helping S dry Mrs. Dorran's hand-painted dishes after dinner, which then leads into a more private scene about S's rings/their guitar/etc. It isn't as wide a scope as a date; it isn't meant to be. (I feel we'd all dump someone who's like: “You + Me. Dishes later? 😘”) However, these natural moments of seeking each other out to spend some bonus time together while the plot is thickening adds more to the growing feelings! I will wait until you read it to see what I mean. There's also a scene I've yet to write where R calls the MC to wish them goodnight over the phone and is sweeter than sugar cane syrup. 🤫

Before I accidentally spoil, let's shift gears to the details coming into play in Book Two!

You'll have gotten a hint from the last paragraph, but I'm about to take it further: ✨seating arrangements✨. (I bet those emojis have never flanked that word combination ever. That's okay; I'm respectfully confident once you experience the difference in scenes, you might be inclined to toss a sparkle emoji at your TFS beloved(s).) A smooth read/cohesion is important for interactive fiction despite how so many different things can be going on in the same scene and with your MC. While you're at the Verner mansion with a romanced R, another reader somewhere else is there too with animosity towards the Verner heir but a soft spot for their sweet Bee. Showing your choices, especially the relationship ones, is important to me. A way to do this simply would be: “You naturally gravitate towards the empty spot next to R, noticing the playful smile they direct your way once you sit close by their side.” And there's nothing wrong with that; it's a solid sentence that hints at your building romance dynamic with R.

But I didn't do that! 😌

No, I spent days on these scenes that revolved around seating arrangements to make them into a page or two by including more details. The other characters can react/acknowledge your route, a past choice in Book One (the cookie one! 🍪) will come up, and each RO (or ROs) will get to show their personality and react to the MC choosing to sit close. For some, your dynamic with Mal will cause your MC to claim a lone armchair, which your RO and R (in a friendly capacity, if not romancing them) will take note of this. If you're pulling away from R. Verner while in their own home after they've set out your favorite cookies and said the loveseat is yours to share, then be prepared. I'm so thrilled how this potentially basic action can weave details to add a dynamic feeling.

It's something in Book One that I've taken much further in Book Two with its structure! 🌲💚

I hope that my example excites you to actually experience these intricate scenes that could've been more straightforward. It isn't how my mind works; I overthink. Beyond that, your support and encouragement motivates me to spend that time writing, hoping you'll enjoy what awaits you.

[Spoilers Ahead!]

Here's an excerpt from Book Two:

R remains notably quiet. Their eyes naturally sought out the loveseat first then alighted on where you sit alone. You say nothing while under their scrutinizing assessment, reaching for a small plate after B does to begin the tea party properly.

Poor R, this is part of a much longer section. 😎

Thank you again for all of your support and encouragement! 💚



Gosh I love the amount of detail and love you put into this Aelsa 💜💜 it makes every playthtough so rich to read through, and it makes this series so easy to recommend to literally everyone I know.


This means the world to me, Bumblebee! 🥰💚 I have so much love for Fernweh, so taking the time to weave these details and add intricate scenes that I hope my dear readers enjoy comes naturally. :D Thank you so much for recommending the series! There is so much in store in Book Two.