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While there are plenty of words to associate with the Returning Visitor's newfound stay in Fernweh (e.g. bittersweet, perplexing, traumatizing, and so forth), it does provide them with a chance to rebuild past connections. In Book One, we had more of an introduction to Fernweh and the natural setup of meeting the characters that let us see how the Fernweh Gang was forming. It came together much like a traditional Scooby Doo Gang with an added dash of seeing something mind-boggling for some trauma bonding too. The mystery primarily united them in addition to layers of past history, but those group meetings, outings, and so forth had a purpose behind them.

It's different in Book Two! 💚

S, R, and J do have their roles in town to return to even with the new addition of B and the MC.

There will be scenes of group interaction that build the group dynamics in a different way that's more social, allowing you to learn more about them and their own friendships too (e.g. S&R). This will let you all forge your friendships while also testing if the gang can stand on its own without a pressing mystery throwing them together. (There is always something brewing for the overarching plot of the series, but this book has a different progression to its mystery.) I've enjoyed having the characters reference/mention each other to add more realism and depth! You might trigger a scene where S makes a knowing remark about R or where J will adjust how they would do something for another character.

The group banter has been immensely fun to write! 😌 Character mentions are also cropping up more in this book to give it a different feeling as the MC tries to adjust (re-adjust?) to Fernweh.

I'll share some brief teasers that are largely choice-dependent:

S, R, and the MC

"Where's your mom?" you wonder.

"Away," R answers you shortly. "I do find that best for when I host special events here."

"'Special' as in she doesn't know about them." S's matter-of-fact translation comes with a subtle look in your direction to tread carefully on this topic.

B and the MC

"We barely made it out and you went back?" you dubiously demand, shaking your head in disbelief. "That's crazy."

"Someone said it," B exhales. "That can't be healthy…?"

S and R

"I have no doubt he is aware we have company," R reassures you. "He isn't shy, but he can be particular about people."

"Like his owner," S remarks, subtly teasing. "He stalked me at first—"your and B's heads sharply turning in unison make S adjust their sentence—"in a cute way. Now, he'll just come over to me."

S and J

"[Redacted Cat Name] likes you to do that," S explains. "He'll play Follow the Leader with R, but with anyone else, he's the leader, obviously."

"R must've trained him," J knowingly remarks. "They take after each other."



Can we bring catnip for Rs kitty??


i'm so excited to see everyone's dynamics with one another! i've always loved the moments of watching everyone interact with one another. the squad is coming together


Ooh, I love the idea of the MC bringing along catnip or a toy for R's kitty. 🐈 He has his own relationship tracker and ~opinions~, so I could see this working for befriended (or beloved, for R/JR-mancers) MCs. A future visit, most likely in the evening, might let this come up! 🥰


I'm glad you're excited for more! Group dynamics will always have a special place in my heart; I often allude or try to show them even within our Patreon bonus writings. In the TFS series, I can kick it up a notch with your choices and chosen relationships earning some support/advice/notice from the others! 😎💚 I'm pleased that you can sense how the group is coming together. There are chances for that to increase!