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Hi Returning Visitors,

Key highlights of this update and reminders:

  • My typical gentle nudge to remember to add my email address can be found here. It's important for the TFS character portrait inquiries and welcome message I promptly send out. Also, remember to check your spam folder and to reach out to me, if needed.
  • 🎃 Halloween is just around the corner along with our next Book Two alpha drop! 🎃
  • There's a reason why this update is a tiny bit late! (It rhymes with smiting! ☠)
  • We have a bootiful surprise tomorrow.
  • Book Two Snippet: 🐼

I tend to be a creature of habit! You'll notice this trait in the existence of the unique Content Schedule for TFS Patreon in addition to how posts tend to publish at a set time (8:30am EST) on their scheduled days. It's partially for consistency's sake, but it's also my hope you look forward to the posts as pick-me-ups throughout the month, possibly being extra excited on certain days.

This is why there's in fact a reason for this tiny, infinitesimal delay in publishing this Extended Progress Update that rhymes with 'smiting'. I just slayed another chapter. 😁🔪 I mentioned in a previous update how the spooky season along with your support/encouragement further energized me to carve out time to write. I put every hour to good use by challenging myself to complete this section of Book Two. It ended up growing since I realized readers would want more Fernweh Gang time to build that sense of found family, if they're inclined to. This created more scenes and variation since everyone is present! Fun things I wrote about include: R's cat, the Ms. Verner hardened variable coming into play, R references Lizzie Borden if you're nasty/mean to them, architectural details (that one random elective I took is coming in handy!), some RO intimacy, Verner lore hints, group banter, and much more. This is truly just skimming the surface! 

I'm thrilled that Book Two is taking shape. Testing and final editing of the RO excursions are still underway; I actually need to go apply some edits after this post releases. We have a surprise tomorrow that will give you a solid hint about the upcoming RO excursion, so I might schedule it to publish later in the night (at least in my timezone) for some spooky ambiance. 👻

Halloween is looming closer; if you celebrate it, I hope you have fun and please stay safe! 🎃

[Spoilers Ahead!]

Here's an excerpt from Book Two:



That petulant sound of disappointment isn't coming from James; the faint grumbling noise persists until you turn to see Judith behind the service counter. She's balancing on the balls of her feet, elbows braced on the countertop to get a better view of the exit behind Fernweh's Detective. Your muted surprise is entirely overlooked by her. "Judith."

"When's S comin'? Mister Detective man doesn't really seem to like pretty colors. You're like a panda bear all the time."



That petulant sound of disappointment isn't coming from Jane; the faint grumbling noise persists until you turn to see Judith behind the service counter. She's balancing on the balls of her feet, elbows braced on the countertop to get a better view of the exit behind Fernweh's Detective. Your muted surprise is entirely overlooked by her. "Judith."

"When's S comin'? Miss Detective woman doesn't really seem to like pretty colors. You're like a panda bear all the time."

I mean, Judith isn't wrong, but black and white is a classic color combination. It's okay, J. 😌 

Our next alpha drop is on October 31st! There will be a post with more details about it. I'm going to try my best to get the November Content Schedule out around then, but distributing links and managing the release might make it delayed by a day or two. I appreciate your understanding.

Thank you again for all of your support and encouragement! 💚



I know that writing rhymes with smiting, but my first thought was 'biting'


I legit put the schedules into my calendar to remind me to look forward to things as they come up 😅 I'm so so keen for the 31st content drop!!!


Aw, that means so much to me! 🥰💚 I have my Google Calendar consistently open in a nearby tag to keep track of things and to double-check, but I also lowkey like seeing things publish too. It makes me happy too. :D We're almost there! I can't wait for you to read the drop.