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[Alternate Text: A header image of a cute, medium-sized pumpkin that has a sign hanging off its stem. The sign is faintly curved and wooden with the words 'Trick or Treat' written on it in what appears to be chalk that has an outline of red around each letter.]

[Edit: The line Mal says about their costume comes from the Addams Family Values movie! It's what Wednesday says.]

Mostly opaque, white mist billows out from the punch bowl, shrouding even the nearby chips and mini-quiches in an eerie fog. Someone must have overdone the dry ice. Your fingers slowly wade through the themed spread Mrs. Dorran laid out by spider-walking across the counter top until they hit a wall of chilled glass.

You skim your fingers along the cold rim in search of the ladle, flinching briefly when you feel another set of frozen hands latched onto it. It's like this is the aftermath of a grotesque flash freezing accident. They aren't fleshy, just numbing. It's the bowl's creepy design—how it is somehow scarier now than when Mrs. Dorran first giddily brought it out is beyond you. It's only a few seconds longer before you find the large ladle and begin refilling your—

"Well, don't you clean up nicely? Here I thought miracles would be reserved for Christmas."

A soft splash accentuates the kindly worded insult, blood red punch sloping back into the bowl rather than neatly filling your cup.

You turn to see Charlene leaning against a bar stool a few steps away, though she doesn't bother meeting your eyes while observing—no, she's definitely judging—your costume. "I was worried you wouldn't make it," you reply with a falsely sweet smile that only grows further phony when she finally glances up. "What's a Halloween party without a monster?"

"Ooh, did Ruby help you with that one?" she wonders. "You'll need all the pointers you can get before the All Hallows Eve gala"—Charlene pushes off the stool, taking a step closer into your personal space—"because I'm an angel compared to them… They'll burn you alive."

You snap your gaze away from the intricate golden halo resting atop her head that is no doubt genuine gold to stare at her. There is nothing 'angelic' to what she said; however, the lack of outright malice suggests it was a poor, if not a stupid, word choice. Charlene's brow furrows the longer this awkward silence drags on, which only makes the golden shimmer to her makeup stand out more. She starts to say more when you speak over her. "It will be fine."

Your dismissal would be more effective if she didn't drag the ladle closer to her side, metal against glass producing a faint screech. The noise sets your teeth on end. Imagining her beautiful ivory mini-dress being re-colored with punch is the only thing keeping your hands at your sides. It likely has real swan feathers along the sweetheart bust that would be irreversibly stained in seconds, while the lux crystals wouldn't be affected unless you plucked the ladle from the bowl to whack her.

"Charlene, back off," you request. "Ruby already said no to you—to your 'deal'—so stop."

"It was an alliance," she indignantly corrects you. "A deal sounds too thuggish."

"And cornering me at a punch bowl isn't?" Your retort is equal parts frustrated and irritated, but Charlene does consider your question, or at least you hope that's the case. She releases her grip on the ladle so it sinks back into the misty depths before peering back over at you with far less appraisal. An angel couldn't give a grin that shit-eating, too roguish and arrogant, but still, it's much better than her fake smiles.

"This is me warning you, newbie," Charlene shares. "Ask Rubes to work on teaching you how to recognize a proper threat next. I'll be happy to volunteer for that fun, little lesson."

Whatever this moment is between the two of you is disrupted by Charlene's little jump to the left. Her curse is muffled, but you hear it even if your own heartbeat quickened when you felt a light touch on your shoulder before seeing the distinctive red and white plastic bag settle on the counter. "…Mal," you exhale her nickname. She's just behind you, seemingly appearing out of nowhere or coalescing from the mist. You're not as startled as Charlene who's still blinking, possibly because you are familiar with this act.

Mal's 'appearing acts' are pleasant surprises.

"You need a bell around your neck," she complains. "Also, one for us to ring for service."

"Does it look like I'm serving you tonight?"

"It definitely doesn't look like you're here to party dressed like that," Charlene notes in a critical tone. "Even Corvin made some effort."

The mention of James earns a warning glance from you, while Mal continues to effortlessly ignore Charlene's presence by unpacking her bag. The scent of spiced apples and cinnamon wafts from the styrofoam containers that hold apple pancakes. They look so delicious! There are also jack o' lantern shaped waffles. You stop admiring them after you spy Beckett's name scrawled across a smaller container with an orange heart next to it. Now, you know why Mal is here tonight. "Did Alex invite you over?"

"Mmm-hmm," she softly hums. "Technically, I didn't need an invite since this event is open to the community. Mrs. Dorran lets anyone in." Her focus trails over to Charlene, who is too proud to leave the kitchen area despite not being wanted. "You really don't get my costume?"

Mal's typical indulgent smile lacks its customer service polish, instead reminding you of a glinting blade, eye-catching yet dangerous.

"There's nothing to 'get'," she replies, laughing at the idea. "You're always in that same jacket, unless you're going for a basic 'bad girl' vibe?"

"I'm a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else."

Mal's unwaveringly pleasant delivery is in stark contrast to the soul-searching stare she levels at Charlene, only now choosing to give her some undivided attention that she's slowly crumbling under. Unlike you, Charlene has no resistance built-up to Mal's once overs, which is something you're secretly delighting in, though she'd never be this unsettling with you, right…? She angled away from you before smiling like that.

Charlene's laughter gutters out into a reflexive chuckle as she blindly reaches for a nearby snack with a toothpick. "That's both a highly original and disturbing idea," she breezily concludes. "It's better than a royal."

You wish she pricked her hand on the mummy Swiss roll following that unnecessary dig about what you're wearing; however, she is thankfully leaving. With a toothpick poised between her fingers, Charlene glances once at you then Mal before departing the kitchen, crystal encrusted heels clacking against the tiles. The breath you take is half-hearted because Mal remains close by, offering you a far more genuine smile now.

It's disarming in an entirely different way…

All it takes is you reclaiming your place as the focal point of her concentration for Mal to drop that coiled bearing when she leans against the counter's edge. You're still within reach, but she makes it feel shared instead of an area where you'll need to arm yourself with toothpicks and tiny forks. While she stared down Charlene, she gives you an electrifying once over, content to take in every single detail of your costume.

Beckett had said it was 'stunning', and yet the way her smile lengthens into an enticing smirk suggests a very different word. 'Delicious',  'delectable', and 'tempting' all come to mind, although you'd like to blame the stack of apple pancakes for your train of thought rather than how Mal's getting a reaction out of you that she shouldn't be. Maybe it was a bad idea to wear the costume Ruby had custom made for you using exacting measurements and luxurious material.

You shift under Mal's intent attention, acutely aware of how Ruby hasn't seen you in this yet.

It's her special surprise…

"Trick or treat?"

Before you can select one, Mal speaks again with a knowing slant to her murmured words.

"That doesn't seem like a fair question for you," she observes. "I'll give you both without an 'or'."

"What does that mean?" you wonder.

"It means you deserve everything I can give you, [W_Nickname], not a single, limiting pick."

Mal smoothly answers before your tone grows skeptical, sapping the slight tension from your expression with her reassurance. You could still be on guard from dealing with Charlene. She presents her right hand to you, fist tightly clenched until you tap the back of it to follow along with this game to show you're okay. "I'm guessing this is the trick…?" you ask. Mal doesn't reply, waiting for you to hover your upturned palm beneath her hand, so you do with a quick sigh. "If it's a fake spider or something squishy, I'll avoid the diner for—oh."

It's a coin…?

Your birth year has been stamped into the composite of metal that only has a marginal amount of value. It's a quarter, one fourth of a dollar that couldn't even buy a sweet treat. Mal must have shined it for you, wiping away all of the grime and any dirt that would cling to the image. Your eyes narrow when you realize this isn't a regular quarter. The side profile image of a long dead founding father is spliced with the one on the back, creating an amalgamation of the two. It looks like a majestic bird is roosting in the man's skull cavity. It's a defective coin.

"Very rarely they'll have mistakes in the striking process, a missed letter or a ghost image," Mal shares. "This one's rarer. It shouldn't happen."

"Then it's probably worth a lot. Are you sure I should have it?"

"Yeah, it's yours," she assures you. "It would've just ended up as someone's change, but"—Mal offers her left hand to you—"that was part one."

"So, this is the trick?" you confirm, unsurprised when she simply smiles back, waiting. "Fine."

"It depends on who you ask."

Her vague answer coincides with her fingers gently encircling your wrist, each one seeking out the sliver of skin between your gilded arm bracer and wrist to widen it. She has created her own grip, shifting to guide you deeper into the lively party. Navigating it in a single file line will be easier. Music infiltrates through the walls, no longer dampened by the halls that lead into the kitchen area, while the lights become moodier and more haphazard. The brightness recedes away, replaced with paint splashed specters that come alive again under blacklights. Mrs. Dorran was more than ready for a Halloween rave. Her decorations have been entirely reimagined from artificial spiderwebs soaked in special glowing pigment to paintings that can depict gruesome, added messages. She left Silas in charge after having her big reveal.

The B&B is too vast to be entirely black lit, and Mrs. Dorran is too creative to have one theme.

Mal weaves through another hall with an intent that seems mirrored by the rising music, each step matched by a pulsing beat. It's seeping through the walls, low bass faintly quaking through you. The spacious living room has become a crypt, furniture removed to make way for caskets, vases of dead flowers, a few animatronic rats, rays of artificial moonlight, and party goers. Mrs. Dorran covered all the windows in black out curtains to add to the gathering shadows in the final resting place.

The dancing is clustered in the middle with a DJ off to the side, but Mal's focus is elsewhere for a second while you take in the scene and adjust to it.

Your 'adjustment' is upended in seconds by more costume-clad townsfolk joining the fray, inadvertently pushing you closer to Mal. Her hand remains securely around your wrist, a tether, while her other hand settles on your side right before a brawny clown comes trundling past. The 'Monster Mash' is acting as a sort of signal to them, urging people to dance while the iconic song plays. Even you sway to the beat, still scanning the crowd for one person in particular who will always be a stand out.

"Is this real satin?" Mal asks. "It's antique."

Her tug on your sash is more distracting than it should be; it creates a faint pull across your chest. Mal's eyes instantly dart up from a gem when you look back at her again. "Ruby found it," you quickly reply. "It looks pretty real."

"Fernweh has a history, so it could be… Not many people could wear it with true dignity."

Mal's cryptic compliments aren't anything new to you, but her hand sliding lower to your waist is. She mirrors your swaying, finding the beat of the song and encouraging you to commit to it instead of glancing around. She's able to reset your focus. Mal switches her grip on your wrist into a handhold so you can swing apart for a second as the tempo picks up, a faster song.

When you come back together, she pulls you closer and your hand naturally rests against her chest just above her steadily beating heart.

Your fingers flex, indecisiveness creeping into them because pushing her away feels wrong along with tugging her flush against you. It's better to do nothing. Mal doesn't seem to mind, only keeping her eyes locked on you while together until she leans closer, testing a limit.

She must have had a stick of sugary cinnamon gum before making the delivery. You notice the scent along with how she delicately straightens one of the golden chains you're borrowing for your costume before her hand goes back to its place around you. This closeness is new too; you can feel her breath faintly tickle your neck.

"You'll have to decide if my dancing is a trick or a treat, [W_Nickname]," Mal whispers. "Hmm?"

She pulls away from you, lips brushing your cheek while your head is still full of that soft, dulcet hum instead of the electronic beat.



*s w o o n* A treat. That dance is DEFINITELY a treat. Phoebe is an incoherent *mess*, unable to form thoughts or words. She's gonna feel *really* bad once Mal let's her go and she gets a few minutes to let her engines cool and remember Bee. But at least in this moment? Puddle. She has melted.


I am emotionally incapable of doing a Ruby & Mal run, so I am in anguish (also delighted) that Ruby custom made a costume for Jam. And then not only does Mal sneak the first look at the costume ahead of Ruby, she also sneaks the first dance. Mal's timing and appearing out of nowhere - typical Mal things. But that dance, the closeness and having hands all over the MC, Ruby WATCH OUT. The costume!!! A custom made royal costume for Jam? We haven't see Ruby yet, but is she in a matching costume? The reigning monarchs? Ruby is so dramatic (affectionate). Thank you for the lore bits, some sort of rebuffed deal between R and C. HM. And of course, the coin something else that is not quite right and shouldn't exist in Fernweh. Bee being here is a mistake, the coin is a mistake, things aren't quite right and I love it.


Oh, I'm so happy that you and Phoebe view this as a treat! 🍬 (I'm certain Mal is too.) They can be quite swoon-worthy when they turn up that charm; I'm also glad that there were some inklings of conflict.


Anguished delight with an emphasis on /anguish/ echoes how I would likewise feel on that run. 😌🖤💔 Many firsts were stolen on this night, which is where some of the tricks might be creeping in, but Mal likes to leave an impression. I agree that R having a costume specially made for the MC is so sweet! You're 110% right; yes, R's costume perfectly matches the MC's so they are the reigning monarchs and power couple of the party. 👑 R wanted a grand reveal, only working on the design and fabric details and waiting to see the MC on Halloween night. You're welcome! 💚 I love sprinkling in lore bits and hints in these writings that might come up (or mislead) in the main series. >:D