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Hello Returning Visitors,

I hope you’re excited as I am! 🥰 Our first Book Two alpha drop (May 13th) is only a few days away, so I wanted to create a post about what’s in store for you along with some guidelines.

  • Alpha Drop Access

There will be be a pinned post at the top of the TFS Patreon that will tell you about the alpha drop. A distributed link will take you to a website that lets me host the code for Book Two; it’s very similar to the version of TFS: Book One you downloaded. I know some of you may be more familiar with it than others, so please reach out to me with questions!

Patrons who have offered continued support gain access. I’ll be using a DM on Patreon to ensure you get your deserved access when the time’s right. Thank you! 💚

  • Secrecy

There will be a password shared with you as well. 👀 I made a little scene for you within the alpha content to enter it in, but it only takes a second and then you can progress to building your MC (if necessary) along with enjoying the new content.

I’m incredibly grateful for your support and love for Fernweh! I’ve put many hours into this story to build its world and interlocking mysteries, so remember that this new content is naturally very spoilery to the series. It’s meant for you as a patron. Chatting on TFS Discord or in the post’s comments is welcomed, but please don’t share what you have read elsewhere. (If you haven’t yet linked your Discord to your patron account, consider checking out this article about how to do so: here.)

The Fernweh Saga is a thriller, so it being compromised kind of ruins (my heart) the story.

Further to that point, please let me know if you see the link/content being leaked somewhere.

  • Feedback

First and foremost, it’s my hope you enjoy the alpha drop content—exploring the scenes, talking to other TFS patrons, crafting theories, agonizing over which choice to pick, etc. 🥰

If you wish to provide feedback, feel free to share it with me in the comments or via email (lacunafiction@gmail.com).

Since this is the alpha version of Book Two, it is subject to change if I need to alter content prior to the final release. Keep in mind the achievements are not included yet. I add those at the end.

I might update this post later on if there’s a need to, but those are the main logistics/guidelines.

_ _ _

I can’t wait for you all to continue your travels in Fernweh! 🌲💚



Skippy Hugo

Look forward to what had been written. Also meant to ask if you've tried the new hostsite like dashingcon that's supposed to be better.


THANK YOU for adding this unexpected perk to being a patron and being willing to share this brilliant story with us.


Aaah, I'm so excited to return to Fernweh! The characters, the setting, the story, I've missed them all 🥰


I'm so excited!


I am soooooo excited to head back to Fernweh


I'm glad you're looking forward to what's been written! :D I haven't tried the new hosting site yet. I think I once saw its name in passing, but it escapes me now. I'm more familiar with Dashingdon's setup; however, it might be something for me to look into. Thank you for mentioning it and for being excited about the alpha drop! 💚


🥺🥰💚 It's my honor to share TFS with you all! I must admit that I'm very grateful for the reception of this additional benefit; it's been encouraging to see how eager readers are to see what's coming next.


Thank you for being excited about your impending return to town. I can confirm that Fernweh's been waiting for you, if not eagerly anticipating, when you would return to its forests. 👀💚🌲


That makes me even more excited! 😉 (This also reminds me of your R art about relative excitement levels. XD) There's a scene on their 'date' (RO excursion) that will naturally come up in a future drop because ~pacing~, but a particular exchange made me think of Jam. Thanks again! 💚

Skippy Hugo

Its pretty similar, plus you can set it up so that only specific people can access it (so good for beta readers)

A Ba

I’m so excited! But also -discord? Where???


I'm ecstatic that you're excited, and I'm even more 👀 if you're curious about the TFS Discord. 🌲 It's a benefit that the Patreon system will automatically award you since I have a server with roles in place for you all to explore/chat on. If you have linked your Discord profile to your account, it should either automatically add you or give you the choice to hop into the server. Here is an article about how to link your Discord to your patron account: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-Patron- Please let me know if you run into any trouble. I can probably add you a different way, if so. 💚


Oh, that would be cool for beta testing. :D I just learned it's made by the same creator of the other one, but it's still being tested for bugs/improvements since it is somewhat new. I will make a note of it for the future. Thank you! 🥰💚