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[Alternate Text: A gif from the show Scream Queens. It features Chanel Oberlin saying: “Looks like the bitch apple doesn't fall far from the bitch tree” with some degree of irreverence.]

(While the gif is pretty fitting, I mean it more as a joke to draw a parallel between the two of them.)

Except pointing this^ out to R would actually be mildly upsetting to them. (The fact that there can be some similarities.) But it does cross my mind as I write their well-timed, snarky remarks, though R's are never quite as cold/cutting as their mother's unless someone earns that treatment. (Very cruel MCs might know what I mean.)

It’s one of a few traits the two of them share. The other one being a tendency to go all in for those they love, although it presents differently in them. Learning more about the Verners will come in due time (the upcoming monthly bonus content writing features all three of them🖤), which may help you better define these similarities.



Winning here, Sparrow hasn't gotten a sharp/mean quip from R, he's too inlove (mild denial) with R to be that mean. R's mother on the other hand? Sparrow and Mrs Verner are besties obviously (lies lies). I constantly picture Sparrow throwing his arms dramatically over R and groaning "I'm sorry I hate her" anytime he's forced to meet her. Sparrow knew, he just knew when R picked him to go with them in chapter 9 that it was gonna go south, he's well aware of his stupid mouth and the success of this mission shouldn't have been handed to him, like he immediately thought "Thats a terrible idea, have you met me? I will only end up saying something and your mother will hate me more, this meeting will only bring forth the catalyst of our relationship, we do not mesh, babe, have you seen us interact with any sort of civility? If you want to bring a boyfriend to your mother that won't make her furious then you should bring James! Not me, Sparrow cannot shut up to save his life Finnegan!", he didn't say any of that though, R didn't let him lol. But he will not back down when she comes at him fr fr. I just... cannot picture those two ever getting along, they're both so stubborn and Sparrow's got a mouth that cannot be silenced, his dislike for someone will be known through equally venomous quips. Sparrows to impulsive and impatient, with a distaste for authority, he also dresses in an aethestic I don't think Mrs Verner likes, wonder if Mrs Verner would like his music? Probably when he use to play violin/classic/acoustic, not his preferred rock eletric guitar or drums, she definitely doesn't like his attitude towards Tradition and people in power, since Sparrow doesn't really see people as above or below him, they all get the same treatment, even if it gets him in trouble. The only time I can see those two even being amicable is if they had to team up to help R for some reason, as long as they're not in the same room, alone. Hoping J's mother is nice so he can atleast have one mother-in-law he likes lol. All three Verners? MR VERNER? AAAAAAAH IM SO CURIOUS TO WHAT HE'S LIKE I WANNA SEE THE PARALLELS BETWEEN HIM AND R SO BAD. What did R get from daddy dearest or monster mommy (Sparrow said that not me)? Wonder what Mr Verner would think of Sparrow with R (and R with J). Would Sparrow dislike Mr Verner as much as he dislikes Mrs Verner?? Would I simp for Mr Verner? Probably ngl he's gotta be hot, right? Did Mrs Verner take Mr Verner's last name, or the other way? We know the MC last name is from the grandfather and mothers side, was their beef with R's grandparents and MCs? Beef between R parents and MC's? I know that our mother was fierce but also compassionate (oh look the apple didn't fall that far here either)! I know something is up with MC family and Fernweh! Something in their blood probably. Maybe with these roles, ??? Is trying to recreate some sort of old family thing from way back, like our ancestors were a specific role and ??? Wants to repeat that every generation? Is MC's family destined for pain because they have some 'powers' in them? Do others have 'powers'? Oh I've completely derailed from topic and this is really long, sorry its 1 am and Fernweh Saga gets me going and i don't wanna delete any of my rambling lol ill leave it here and just remind everyone that I AND SPARROW LOVE R AND I AS A READER LOVE MRS VERNER SHE CAN STEP ON ME WITH HER HIGH HEELS.


(omg no thats way longer than I thought I'm sorry to give you my 1 am spiral rambling its a mess, twinning with Sparrow ig lol)


(First, me as the last sentence you typed. 😌 Sorry for the later reply! I had to finish making the sneak peek images, but I do love every ounce of your reply, especially all of your questions! Even J would be nodding along with those insights and lines of thought; they are extremely observant.) Sparrow will most likely always win with R. I could see them being playful with banter, but R does develop a tenderness for the MC, so it’s unlikely for them to be intentionally sharp with them unless pushed. Even then, it’s more likely the MC might hurt them than the reverse because said tenderness also makes them have a soft spot for their beloved. *quietly cracks a whip off to the side; yes, someone might become ‘whipped’, not that they’d appreciate me saying that, lmao* Okay, the part about bringing home J versus Sparrow did make me grin to myself. I mean, J does check all the boxes for being mild-mannered, polite, gentle, and most likely willing to take Ms. Verner’s comments with a mostly reserved expression. But! Well, I can’t say more because of spoilers; however, you being on the JR route will get to see some unique scenes with her and J. It’s hard to say who she would think is the ‘lesser of two evils’ (that was her not me. You know I love Sparrow and his beloveds.) That being said, that^ perspective can change; you might be surprised how Ms. Verner can become an ally even if someone with Sparrow’s aesthetic and vibe might seem to clash with her. She can respect if he commits to it, possibly even admire how he’s strong enough not to care what others think of him, which I know seems a touch counterintuitive with what you’ve seen so far. We need to get into her history fr. Yeah, I think she would prefer the classical style, although Sparrow might be surprised that she wouldn’t instantly critique the drums, if he was playing a more rhythmic beat, nothing too loud/raucous but steady. (1/2)

lacunafiction (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-08 07:43:38 *checks my notes* Oh, a Sparrow & Ms. Verner team-up would be something to behold. 👀 Yes! We’re getting to see all three of them. Mygosh, I can’t wait for you specifically to see how Mr. Verner is with younger R that should be able to tease at some of those similarities. You’ll get to learn more in the series since he (and his loss) really did shape R as a character; plus, I can confirm he’s hot–a very old Hollywood classic handsome that should be memorialized in film, ahem. (Honestly, all the Verners are hot?? 🔥🖤 He and Ms. Verner were Fernweh’s power couple for a time.) Hmm, I will let you and Sparrow learn more about him to help form those opinions, but I do think that Sparrow would like him! Ms. Verner took his last name. I can’t say why just yet. XD I also can’t really address all of your amazing questions despite being like !!! over where your mind is going and what threads I think you’re connecting. It’s incredible though. (The last name convention is unique to Fernweh. It’s a matter of ceding as opposed to just tradition or expectations (?), such that the MC has their mom’s last name since it’s heavily implied their father isn’t from Fernweh. Therefore, her surname took precedence over his.) Please know I enjoyed all of your thoughts, so no worries about the length of them! I also strongly agree about loving R and not minding being impaled by louis vuitton heels. XD Thank you for all of your passion for Fernweh; seriously, I can’t wait for you to learn more. Sparrow’s in for a long ride. (2/2)
2023-05-09 12:37:54 *checks my notes* Oh, a Sparrow & Ms. Verner team-up would be something to behold. 👀 Yes! We’re getting to see all three of them. Mygosh, I can’t wait for you specifically to see how Mr. Verner is with younger R that should be able to tease at some of those similarities. You’ll get to learn more in the series since he (and his loss) really did shape R as a character; plus, I can confirm he’s hot–a very old Hollywood classic handsome that should be memorialized in film, ahem. (Honestly, all the Verners are hot?? 🔥🖤 He and Ms. Verner were Fernweh’s power couple for a time.) Hmm, I will let you and Sparrow learn more about him to help form those opinions, but I do think that Sparrow would like him! Ms. Verner took his last name. I can’t say why just yet. XD I also can’t really address all of your amazing questions despite being like !!! over where your mind is going and what threads I think you’re connecting. It’s incredible though. (The last name convention is unique to Fernweh. It’s a matter of ceding as opposed to just tradition or expectations (?), such that the MC has their mom’s last name since it’s heavily implied their father isn’t from Fernweh. Therefore, her surname took precedence over his.) Please know I enjoyed all of your thoughts, so no worries about the length of them! I also strongly agree about loving R and not minding being impaled by louis vuitton heels. XD Thank you for all of your passion for Fernweh; seriously, I can’t wait for you to learn more. Sparrow’s in for a long ride. (2/2)

*checks my notes* Oh, a Sparrow & Ms. Verner team-up would be something to behold. 👀 Yes! We’re getting to see all three of them. Mygosh, I can’t wait for you specifically to see how Mr. Verner is with younger R that should be able to tease at some of those similarities. You’ll get to learn more in the series since he (and his loss) really did shape R as a character; plus, I can confirm he’s hot–a very old Hollywood classic handsome that should be memorialized in film, ahem. (Honestly, all the Verners are hot?? 🔥🖤 He and Ms. Verner were Fernweh’s power couple for a time.) Hmm, I will let you and Sparrow learn more about him to help form those opinions, but I do think that Sparrow would like him! Ms. Verner took his last name. I can’t say why just yet. XD I also can’t really address all of your amazing questions despite being like !!! over where your mind is going and what threads I think you’re connecting. It’s incredible though. (The last name convention is unique to Fernweh. It’s a matter of ceding as opposed to just tradition or expectations (?), such that the MC has their mom’s last name since it’s heavily implied their father isn’t from Fernweh. Therefore, her surname took precedence over his.) Please know I enjoyed all of your thoughts, so no worries about the length of them! I also strongly agree about loving R and not minding being impaled by louis vuitton heels. XD Thank you for all of your passion for Fernweh; seriously, I can’t wait for you to learn more. Sparrow’s in for a long ride. (2/2)