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Hi Returning Visitors,

Key highlights of this update and reminders:

  • Reminder: April features a Q&A session; questions will be dropped throughout the month.
  • The TFS Spring wallpaper 💐 poll (here) closes at midnight (EST) on March 31st, so please cast your vote if you haven't yet had a chance to do so.
  • My typical gentle nudge to remember to add my email address can be found here. :D
  • Book Two Snippet: A glimpse into the burnt toast saga with J.

As tempting as it is to continue with my spring themed wordplay, I don't want that good humor to wilt rather than blossom, so I'll stop… eventually. 🌹😏 Book Two is having a better chance to flourish now. I was even able to upload some of the files to let Tiffany (my friend/editor) start playing through since there's a distinct difference between reading for edits/flow versus playing the game as a reader would. It can also help us determine if pages might be too long or if there needs to be some smoothing; plus, I'll admit that it's more fun to make the choices as the MC.

This is a great sign!

I intend to keep up this system for writing, editing, and playing before sharing it with her.

Aside from that, I've naturally been writing, although it was a good break to play through some of Book Two. Working on a scene with R somewhat spiraled with more variations once I thought more about how they would be aware of some of the happenings both within Fernweh but also the MC's life. (Specifically, B-mancers and even S-mancers might have read how R noticed something more between you and the RO in question, especially those on B's route.) That Verner awareness can be used for good or bad. Adding scenes where a befriended or bestie R makes some remarks injects more realism into the story along with variety for when you switch routes. I also find R's posture on the two romances to be unique. They are willing to support and advocate for S since there's a friendship there, but with B they tend to take the MC's side with more care as opposed to B's. "You two would be so good together" versus "They better be good to you."

It's a different vibe that's hard to condense in a few sentences that are meant to intrigue you.

(Yes, we all know I like to spoil/ramble, so these updates can be a test for me at times. 😌)

I also did want to remind you all about the TFS spring wallpaper poll that closes tonight at midnight (EST). Please cast your vote if you haven't already and thank you for helping decide!

[Spoilers Ahead!]

Here's an excerpt from Book Two:

A faint clatter of silverware comes through the speaker of your walkie talkie rather than a reply, though you do manage to catch the mumbled apology J delivers. You bite your lip to not laugh at possibly making them drop something. "Did you just apologize to a fork?"
"…It was a butter knife."

I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead! 💚



Always hyped to know how its going! 🥰 I know R sees much under those sunglasses, they ain't there just to make em look cool. (But it works, they look cool asf) 👀😎 It's okay J, I often talk to imitated objects 😤 I have a fake skeleton sitting on my chair that I talk to, I also tell objects to sit, ect. Consumes every snippet of Book 2 like the spriggan in its homemade pantry 😤😤


Verner awareness.... does R have any empathic powers like the MC?


J apologizing to the silverware... it tickles me and makes me want to hug them even more!


R would love that you find their sunglasses cool af. XD I'm also so glad that you relate to J with this habit; it's an endearing one to have, imo! The spriggan reference has me all: 🥺🥰😍. I love that you're enjoying the glimpses into Book Two. Thank you! <3


Hmm, this would be spoilery territory, but I admire how keen you are with details and my wording. As the Verner heir, R has learned a lot of their mannerisms through practice (or conditioning), so keep that in mind. I hope your weekend is going well! 💜


I'm so happy that this endeared J to you even more. I promise that there will be hugs (possibly more) in your MC's future. 💚😌


Sparrow will get R either those glasses that say "TOO COOL" or heart-shaped glasses and make them wear them, out of love ofc 😈