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A. Corvin Insights

In honor of our dollop of sunshine’s birthday, I gathered some insights about them.💛 You all have a few chances to interact with them in Book One; however, there will be more scenes in Book Two to get to know A better and shape that relationship dynamic. I’m excited for it! 🥰

Birthday/Star Sign/Celtic Sign

March 4th,  Pisces. ♓ Ash (The Enchanter)

Considering they are the youngest Corvin child, were they spoiled at all?

Hmm, yes and no. The Corvins are an interesting family, a very rigid, principled, and dutiful sort, so their children were taught responsibilities along with a need to help around the farm. That being said, J was actually the one to dote on A more so than their parents. (We will get into why this is later on!) Not being as wild or chaotic a spirit as their sibling, naturally made J want to shoulder extra responsibility and to take up for them, if something went awry. (Like if someone were to theoretically be caught in the hayloft or someone kind of broke the well by accident.)

Favorite Animal?

Watch how quickly A will go from smiling to becoming extremely contemplative before directing an accusatory frown your way for asking them such a tough question. (Even J sighs to themself at how long this might take.) You’ll likely get a listing of animals, including some that A has personally interacted with on the farm or elsewhere in town. They finally settle on those monster rabbits? You know those fluffy ones that are the size of a small child, Flemish Giants. 🐇

Did A miss the MC?

This depends a little too much on your choices; however, I can say that across all variations, A is aware of the impact of your absence on J. 👀 They didn’t like how deeply it affected them; for a time, it felt like J may as well have gone with you, especially considering A’s younger age and how they didn’t quite understand all that was wrong. This period is sensitive for both Corvins.

In general, I would say: yes (in different ways)!

What are their hobbies?

Getting swept up into things or trying something new isn’t uncommon for A; if they actually stick to something is debatable. They do play D&D with Trent (Officer Warren). Archery, biking trails, baking (rustic, homey dishes), and pottery come to mind. Free-hand rock climbing until someone found out about these outings and asked that they stop going to the risky gatherings that were sometimes even held around the mining sites or other natural features. I’ll leave it at that for now.

What are their thoughts on the other characters?

(These are A’s thoughts as of Book One!)

B: Nervous, seems nice enough, a little endearing (if the A/B crush is triggered, then A finds them cute and might be hopeful about talking more with them), and exciting/novel.

S: Kind, super duper smart, and someone they would want to chill with, but they would wonder if S would even want them around and if they’re interesting enough for them. Calming overall.

R: Pretentious, platinum, diamond encrusted spoon instead of silver, snarky, and an echo of misdirected resentment. (We will figure out why in Book Two.) Begrudgingly kind of funny.

J: Oh, ride or die is adorable, but they’re more like: “Where’s the body? I have a shovel.”, which is probably something the town’s Detective should be worried about. Very supportive, just wishes J would see themself differently at times. Concerned. Sometimes a little exasperated too.

Mal: Besties! No, I can’t say more than that, but A could get away with hugging Mal for a millisecond without any coffee-inflicted burns or unnervingly creepy remarks. It’s impressive, but also makes you wonder why...? 👀

Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?

A is good with all of those. They prefer tea, especially Earl Grey along with trying other blends.

I hope you enjoyed these insights about A! 🎂🥰





Tiffy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-14 00:33:26 Happy birthday to the brightest sunbeam in all of Fernweh! ☀️ I didn’t think I could adore A more than I already do, but here we are. 💛 They are absolutely precious (yep, even with all that chaotic energy and deviousness <3), the best sibling (shovel and all), and have impeccable taste in tea (I love having Earl Grey with fancy little chocolates!). I’m closely examining their thoughts and impressions on the other characters (specifically S, R, and Mal (mostly because I’d like to be able to hug Mal for a millisecond (longer) without getting in trouble)), and I can’t help being intrigued. Thank you for sharing these fun and interesting facts about them with us; I’m excited to continue getting to know them and exploring the different dynamics we can have with them as the series progresses. <3
2023-03-05 06:07:39 Happy birthday to the brightest sunbeam in all of Fernweh! ☀️ I didn’t think I could adore A more than I already do, but here we are. 💛 They are absolutely precious (yep, even with all that chaotic energy and deviousness <3), the best sibling (shovel and all), and have impeccable taste in tea (I love having Earl Grey with fancy little chocolates!). I’m closely examining their thoughts and impressions on the other characters (specifically S, R, and Mal (mostly because I’d like to be able to hug Mal for a millisecond (longer) without getting in trouble)), and I can’t help being intrigued. Thank you for sharing these fun and interesting facts about them with us; I’m excited to continue getting to know them and exploring the different dynamics we can have with them as the series progresses. <3

Happy birthday to the brightest sunbeam in all of Fernweh! ☀️ I didn’t think I could adore A more than I already do, but here we are. 💛 They are absolutely precious (yep, even with all that chaotic energy and deviousness <3), the best sibling (shovel and all), and have impeccable taste in tea (I love having Earl Grey with fancy little chocolates!). I’m closely examining their thoughts and impressions on the other characters (specifically S, R, and Mal (mostly because I’d like to be able to hug Mal for a millisecond (longer) without getting in trouble)), and I can’t help being intrigued. Thank you for sharing these fun and interesting facts about them with us; I’m excited to continue getting to know them and exploring the different dynamics we can have with them as the series progresses. <3

lacunafiction (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-14 00:33:30 I feel like A would heartily agree with you pairing Earl Grey tea with fancy chocolates; they would probably try to nab one as well even though we both know you'd share after they flash those dimples. 😌 I'm glad that you enjoyed these insights! &lt;3 (Their thoughts on the other characters were really fun to include, possibly because I hoped they would spark some curiosity.) Thank you for your kind words, and I can't wait for you to discover more about A during the events of Book Two.
2023-03-05 22:07:22 I feel like A would heartily agree with you pairing Earl Grey tea with fancy chocolates; they would probably try to nab one as well even though we both know you'd share after they flash those dimples. 😌 I'm glad that you enjoyed these insights! <3 (Their thoughts on the other characters were really fun to include, possibly because I hoped they would spark some curiosity.) Thank you for your kind words, and I can't wait for you to discover more about A during the events of Book Two.

I feel like A would heartily agree with you pairing Earl Grey tea with fancy chocolates; they would probably try to nab one as well even though we both know you'd share after they flash those dimples. 😌 I'm glad that you enjoyed these insights! <3 (Their thoughts on the other characters were really fun to include, possibly because I hoped they would spark some curiosity.) Thank you for your kind words, and I can't wait for you to discover more about A during the events of Book Two.