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[Alternate Text: An image of piano keys with a red rose resting off to the side. The background is mostly black, which makes the title: 'Blooming Love' in a white font with a red glow effect around each letter stand out. The font itself is strong.]

[Happy Valentine's Day! 💞 TFS Patrons, please be sure to see this post about adding my email address to your contacts so you can enjoy the RO character portraits.]

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Inky darkness encompasses most of your vision aside from the barest slivers of light creeping in along the edges that take on a warm tint. Intuitively, you know Ruby would never use candles, but she would devise a plan for dramatic lighting, possibly elegant tea lights or well-placed votives. The pleated slip of silk remains in place despite your attempts to furrow your brow and wrinkle your nose.

It's not a simple blot or one of her ties.

Silas must have assisted with the blindfold by reinforcing its center to be thicker, if not more opaque, so you have no idea what you're walking into.

Ruby doesn't do anything in halves…

"Are you trying to mimic a newborn fawn?"

Her voice comes just from the left of you; it's somehow more silken and smooth than the fabric obscuring your sight. She has effortlessly kept pace with you, even if your gait is a little stilted and lagging compared to the oddly perfect staccato beat of her dress shoes against the marble flooring. "At least I'm cute like Bambi."

"Not when making those scrunchy faces…"

Your hand bats at empty air, but you feel a tap on your other shoulder followed by a laugh from Ruby. She dodges yet again, securing your wrist with an ease that tempts you to twist it just to surprise her, until you feel her other hand against your back. Her fingers fan out, slowly spanning the space between your shoulder blades with a targeted gentleness that contrasts with her earlier, playful remark.

There is an unspoken certainty in the touch.

Her middle finger is unerringly aligned with the tract of your spine, nobs of bone acting as a guiding line that she follows with precision. It isn't as traditional as being taken by the hand or to have your arms linked together. Ruby is bracing you while still making it seem as if you're taking the lead through the seemingly dim hallway. Is all of this to build up anticipation?

She isn't going to let any harm come to you, so maybe you shouldn't be dragging your feet…

"Nearly there."

The acoustics of the colossal home aren't to blame for her voice sounding softer as you both step into a larger area. The ballroom? No, maybe the hall of mirrors, or some other extravagant room that you have yet to stumble across. You can hear the clacking echo to her steps, but it's the feeling of her hand gliding lower that secures more of your attention as she traces the curve of your back with purpose, though there isn't any squeeze or a teasing pull; instead, her hand freezes near your hip.

"Wha—How did you get in here?"

Bewilderment is clear in Ruby's tone.

"I'm keeping this blindfold on," you mutter, linking your hand with hers and trying not to imagine the look on Ms. Verner's face at seeing her daughter intimately lead you around like this while dressed in something Ruby had specially ordered. Did you render her speechless for once? That would be a blessing compared to the veiled comments about wanting the locks changed or vague remarks about your too frequent visits. "Did she faint…?"

"It isn't my mother," Ruby reassures you. "Take a look."

The knot comes undone when you pull on one of its more pronounced edges, loosening up in seconds so you can finally see your surprise.

A music hall for intimate concerts has been transformed into an elegant rose garden people would book months in advance to have high tea in. Roses of all varieties and colors dot the space, adding rich color to the typical Verner marble and gilded palette. There is something so orderly to the greenery that it seems more artistic than what would be found in nature, which you know was Ruby's intent. She is still hesitant about her scarring left behind by the tree creature; you can see the injury, but not many others can. Containing the flowers in vases, forcing blooms into intricate, floral chandeliers, and wrangling shrubs into mini-hedges exerts control over them.

It's still captivatingly beautiful.

"I would like to put on a private show for you, though it seems someone wanted to crash it."

You were so caught up in taking in the decorations that it's only now that you notice a feline figure of ebony practically blending into the polished piano he sits on. The cat is sniffing a particularly exquisite arrangement of roses, clearly unaware those are meant for you based on the ebony ribbon and purposeful placement. He continues to nose at the buds; it's cute. "He can stay," you decide. "He likes the flowers, and you technically did move his favorite perch…"

Ruby rolls her eyes at your decision, but the amusement to her smile ebbs into something far softer at your consideration. "There are other grand pianos throughout the mansion for him to lounge on," she counters. "He can stay for the show, just not for the afterparty."

Ruby's comment is paired with a saucy wink before she guides you over to the piano bench.



😭 A cat on a piano is the greatest gift of all...

lacunafiction (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-25 00:29:27 + 5 approval from R. They would strongly agree with you, though they may be biased because their cat often sits nearby while they practice/play the piano. 🐈 (I hope your kitties are doing well too. Mine's asleep in the sun. <3)
2023-02-15 16:06:33 + 5 approval from R. They would strongly agree with you, though they may be biased because their cat often sits nearby while they practice/play the piano. 🐈 (I hope your kitties are doing well too. Mine's asleep in the sun. <3)

+ 5 approval from R. They would strongly agree with you, though they may be biased because their cat often sits nearby while they practice/play the piano. 🐈 (I hope your kitties are doing well too. Mine's asleep in the sun. <3)