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S. Dorran Highlights

In honor of our compassionate Scholar’s birthday today, I collected some highlights about them. 💙

Birthday/Star Sign/Celtic Sign

8 February, Aquarius, Rowan Tree (The Thinker)

S’s reaction to the MC wearing their clothes

S has altered a lot of their clothes with their own unique creative flair hence the metal work, distressed vibe, patches, etc. The fact that you would want to wear something that is so tailored to them is taken as a compliment. They offer to make you your own, or to blend some of their design aesthetic into your own style, since they want you to be proud of the item that matches them. If you persist in wanting their clothes, S will let you wear them and may occasionally be caught giving you fond looks.

How would S react if the MC takes their face in their hands and tells them they are proud of them? 🥺

S would be watching your hands as soon as you raise them into their personal space, but they do not move away, instead tracking each and every one of your movements. They tilt their head a little more into your touch, though they just as quickly freeze up when you express that you are proud of them. Something seems to shift; a darker emotion shadows their beautiful, dark brown eyes that remind you of wood bark. “I’ll try my best for you.”

Soft makeout facts about S

-Attention to detail! S likes to learn about you and tries to commit things to their memory.
-Oh, you once mentioned that you like this particular blanket because of the weight to it or because of how soft it is? Well, now that same blanket (or one of a similar fabric) is suddenly all around in case you may ever want to use it to cuddle or bundle up in. S would not be opposed to joining you under it, if asked.
- Give and take; they like to alternate who instigates or who sets how the makeout is going.
-Lips would be the very start of where they would like to kiss you.
-They would likely have some music playing softly in the background that was thoughtfully picked out with both your and their taste in mind, so kind of like a playlist, though S would be very casual about playing it and not draw attention to it unless you said something. (Yes, they spent over an hour on it. 🥺)

Which room theme would S want to stay in?

S: Nautical Nap because of the blue tones or Rockin’ Rest due to the music element that they could appreciate. Given the room themes in the B&B, you can bet that S’s own room didn’t have any limits set on it by Mrs. Dorran. She would be fine with her child doing whatever as long as the space was respected and they felt safe/comfy in it, etc.

How would S react to the MC sending a spicy message/picture to them while in a room with other people? 

S will look at the picture/flirty message with an impeccable poker face, seemingly unmoved and unaffected, but you know them well  enough to spot the difference to their neutrality. Their eyes  flick to you during the course of the conversation, pinning you in  place with a simple look that you would not have anticipated because you sent the message like 10 minutes ago. S eventually does type back a  response and intentionally does it when you least expect it. They would send back something perfectly witty yet complimentary about what you sent them and allude to returning the favor in person (as in they may dress a certain way for you to admire/undo later etc. in real time and right in front of you instead of over text.)

Which of the major arcana in the tarot deck represents S?

S: Judgement
Judgment is a card where your past and your future come together. You  are being called on to review your decisions and your actions until now,  to  ensure they are in-line with where you ultimately want to go.

I hope you enjoyed these highlights featuring S! I'll likely do something similar for each character since I have a post scheduled that reveals their birthdays. 🎂🥰




🥰 😍 S Dorran, thoughtful beloved


That sums them up perfectly! 💙😍 Their thoughtfulness really shines through in their writing next month.