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[Alternate Text: A GIF of a lone raven sitting on a post in a snowy field; it looks pensive, and there are other ravens flying in the background.]

It's only been a few days since the release, but I think many of you have experienced how nothing is what it seems in Fernweh. There are secrets embedded in all aspects of the small town, which got me thinking about the last names of the Fernweh Gang. Could there be more to them?

Warrick means leader who defends; buildings near the weir. (A weir is a fence or enclosure that acts like a dam to control the flow of a river, so a barrier, hmm.)

Dorran means strange or exile; it comes from a Gaelic word relating to one's banishment, but it can also sometimes mean gift.

Verner means protector; I personally think there's a difference between defense and protection.

Corvin means raven, which fits with J's hair, but there is more to the story of that name.

It's something to ponder as you continue your visit…



Ohhhh, I love the implications of 'Dorran'! More reason to dig into S's route :')


👀 (Yessss, so many implications! I love giving tiny things meanings, but also possibly misdirections or red herrings as well, hehe.)