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Hello everyone, 

I'd like to make an announcement in regards the the part 2 of Ilulu.

Under normal circumstance, this was planned to be released this month but due to unforeseen circumstances, I'm afraid this will be delayed until further notice. 

To give more insight on the matter, I've been using two platforms to upload my monthly works. One of them is Patreon as you all know, the other is a Japanese platform. Due to the Japanese laws and regulations surrounding censorship of nsfw, I'm often following the guidelines to censor as specified on that Japanese platform. 

Likewise, it was brought to my attention that I was not following the proper guidelines set by Patreon last month. As such is the case, I was requested by Patreon to delete some of my past works the doesn't meet the criteria set by the said guidelines. As explained earlier, I planned to work on Ilulu this month but due to this restrictions I've been made aware of, I regretfully inform you that I have no other choice but to delay this project until further notice. Once I'm able to pursue it, I will be sure to make the wait worthwhile by putting my all into the project. 

Please accept my sincere apology for making this announcement and my decision to delay it until further notice. 

That said, I'm trying my best to create a work this month that you will all enjoy to your hearts content! 

I'll give it my all in creating as many unique scenes in this upcoming work as possible. I think for my oldest fans that are familiar with my old methods of creating angles and stories, you will find this upcoming work enjoyable. 

Thank you always for your continued support, I was very lost and demotivated last month as I felt like I had failed you. But thanks to your kind words, I've found the resolve to stand up again and try to give it my best at what I do best. 

Thank you so much everyone! 😊


이번 달 월간 보상으로 이루루 Part.2를 보여드리려고 계획중이었으나 작은 문제가 생겨서 미뤄지게 되었음을 알려드립니다.

저는 후원자 분들의 편의를 위해 패트리온과 팬박스 두 사이트를 사용하고 있습니다.

두 사이트 모두 각 나라의 법률에 따른 서로 다른 규정을 적용하고 있기에 팬박스에 올라오는 작업물들은 일본의 검열법을 따라서 모자이크 처리를 하는 등, 창작자로서 최대한 각 플랫폼의 가이드라인을 준수하려고 노력중입니다.

지난 달 패트리온이 6월 보상인 이루루 Part.1을 포함한 몇 가지 작업물을 패트리온의 규정에 위배된다는 이유로 삭제할 것을 요구하였습니다.

이번 월간 보상은 이루루 Part.2를 작업하는 것으로 계획하고 있었지만, 말씀드린 이유로 이루루 Part.2를 당장 작업하기가 부담스러운 상황이 되어 Part.2는 잠시 연기하기로 하였습니다.

곧 문제를 해결하고 Part.2를 더 좋은 퀄리티로 작업해서 완성할 수 있도록 하겠습니다.

기다려주신 후원자분들께 정말 죄송합니다.

이번 월간 보상은 더 신경써서 꼼꼼히 작업하고 있습니다.

바리에이션으로 장수를 늘리지 않고 새 장면을 최대한 많이 넣으려고 노력중입니다.

구도나 소재 면에서 기존의 제 작업물을 좋아하셨던 분들이라면 분명 마음에 드실 것이라고 생각합니다.

언제나 드리는 말씀이지만 항상 후원해주시고 지켜봐주셔서 감사합니다.

제 그림을 좋아해주시는 분들 덕분에 항상 힘을 얻고 있습니다.

더 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다.



Kenny Johnson

This looks great! Hopefully things get better and you can post what you want without issue. I’ll be supporting you no matter what!


Now that’s what I call a perfect boobs and Butt 😍😍😘😘👌👌


thx PoPer sensei 😉👍


Can’t wait for your art. Keep up the good work


항상 작품들 볼때마다 양과 질 모두 다 만족하고 보고있습니당! 별개로 이번편은 보테배엔딩이면 너무 기대될거 같아요!! 앞으로도 좋은 작품 기대할게용


The content you create is always worth the wait no rush and stay happy


Omg is this knight of liyue ? I Can't wait. Hope the situation gets better with patron.


Art looks great this month, really frustrated and displeased with Patreon's "criteria," I would have a suggestion giving out gumroad codes for that reward month while remaining vague on what your actual content. Regardless of your choice, your art is amazing. The wait will most likely be worth while.


when is july reward?


Hear me out : the longer it takes the better it will be.