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You currently have 14 points. You have chosen a +10 points option in the last poll, and you bought 0 points since last part.

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'Please tell me about yourself, Jenny.' You abruptly stop the passionate make-out session. 

'What..?' Jenny looks at you confused. 'I thought we were finally gonna fuck!' She exclaims disappointed. 

'I know, I know... I just want to get to know you first. Don't get me wrong, you are hot as fuck but I don't want to just use you for your body. All I know is your name...' You gently lead Jenny to get off of your lap and sit next to you. 

'Well...' She pauses hesitantly. 'You might not like what you hear...' 

'There is nothing you can say that would make me like you less, Jenny.' You reassure her.

Jenny looks into your eyes and with a big sigh she starts her story. 'You see... I am not really from Spankstown. I mean I grew up there, but my family, well... just me and my dad really, moved a lot... My mother...' She pauses and looks away. 'That's not important right now. What's important is the reason why we moved a lot. My father is in sort of a... special business. It requires us to move states very often. I don't think I have spent more than a year in the same place. That is why I've been living in the hostel these past couple of days. We were going back to Buttingrove because it is my parents' 50th marriage anniversary... I don't know if I should be telling you this, but, I'm sort of on my own whenever we move, because my father practically works 24/7. Anyway, I didn't want to say this because... Well, I'm leaving once my car is fixed. This means I wont be able to see you anymore which is why I am hesitant to get close...' You can see the sadness and loneliness in her eyes.


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