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First of all, I have to apologize again for the long wait for project #044. SoundFX is time consuming and if you want to portray a character like Kayci, Seline, Stella etc. certain scenes have to be tried and recorded several times so that it is consistent with the portrayal. Nevertheless, I am just as dissatisfied with the current situation of the waiting time as you are. The waiting time for a project with a story is currently too long!

I spoke to MMJ about this issue. He discussed this in detail with the sound artists and looked for viable long-term solutions. It must also be noted that "story" projects are more time consuming than straight sex videos.

They gave me a stage and contingency plan. This one is promising and makes a good impression. A deadline is also set.

If an artist is absent due to illness, relocation or similar, where the story (dialogue work) is complex, the project is put on hold and a pure short sex video is inserted. If an artist is not available we have archived sound material that can be used for the sextape. This material will be cut by MMJ and adjusted accordingly.

I think that this plan can be followed because there is a safety net. The only disadvantage is that a project is postponed in the project planning. I have a positive attitude and look forward to future projects.

I wish you a nice day and a lot of fun with the video Seline & Gwen #044 even if it appears much too late, sorry!





From this photo it looks like Seline is getting thicker. No complaints here. She's still the hottest woman in sight. That is until Stella or Helia shows up then it becomes more a matter of tastes, so to speak.


My female models always have a little more on their hips. They are also a bit older and not 20 anymore. This is of course a matter of taste.