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I hope you all had a nice Christmas and you are healthy!
The video # 042 [NG] Stella & Ona is unfortunately not finished yet. MMJ, Dorn and CountessofRoses are still working on it. I guess it can't be long now.

In the meantime, I've been working on Gwen. Gwen is not yet completely finished, but 95 percent.

The following points have been revised

- New skin
- Subtle make-up
- Changes to the buttocks, hips, legs, upper body in general.
- Lots of small face adjustments

These are the first results.

Gwen - Mini Image Set (NG) 12-2021 




Thanks Alex! Gwen is the only character who has never really met my expectations since the beginning. I've always seen Gwen as a soft and vulnerable character. I couldn't optically achieve this. Hence the dissatisfaction with the model. Now I'm on the right track ... from my point of view.


Gwen looks hot