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Hey guys! 

 So... this past month has been rough for me mentally. Lots of rough patches that have made it hard for me to draw (one thing I hate about drawing is that I cant do it particularly well if I'm not in a good emotional state). If you've noticed that I posted less in October, thats a big part of why. I don't like charging you guys if I don't feel like I've provided a decent amount of value so I'd feel much more comfortable with just pausing payment for the rest of the year while I work though things (both art backlog and mental stuff). Feel free to stick around and check out the page (I'll still be posting stuff here) but the rest of 2020 is gonna be free ^_^. 



I really hope that you're doing alright. Take care of yourself.


It's all good your health is more important I hope feel better & get lots of rest dude ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ much love all your awesome artwork


Appreciate that! And yeah i did the sleep deprivation thing for a while. Wasn't worth. Sleeping more now. lol


What kind of mental struggle are you having trouble with big boy


To simplify, basically depressive low points. happens occasionally but definitely happened much, much more in October.