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NEW: Don't vote for FFXII, I've locked it in as the next Patron game! Since I'm still working on Legend of Dragoon (also Patron game) it might be a while yet till I get to FFXII.
Also, don't vote for Parasite Eve movie! As you may have seen, we will watch it next weekend!

Vote for 1 game and 1 movie!!! (Please no Star Trek! I will watch those as I go through the series!)

Each vote for movies will count as 1 point, regardless of tier. The goal is to do one movie night every month. (There is a small list of movies I've seen on this document, that I will add to as people suggest things that I've already seen and remember well.)



Let me know what game you are most interested in seeing me play in the future! The game with the most points when I have an opening to play something will be played!

Please don't vote for game types that you don't already see on my streams or channel. I prefer jrpgs, rpgs, action adventure, shooters with a story, horror, and platformers (and I guess now Zelda...).  No multiplayer games! No games I have already played before! Also no Legends of Heroes: Trails games for now! Thanks!

Comment with your game choice for this month! You cannot change your decision after you make it, and you have the whole month to decide, so take your time and think carefully!

Current List:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fYqA3Lo2SKyqVDRq1pmH3gl4KsbHtJ5SwgS8o8LWsSU

And here is a list of the games I've already played:




Shenmue for the game. The Basketball Diaries for the movie.


Hiya I'm voting for Final Fantasy XV and for the movie I will vote Ip Man!


another vote for xenoblade chronicles DE...