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Hello Weebs,

As you guys know, this year has been very challenging for us so far. We are very well aware that as the year has progressed, our content has slowly diminished. Lately, we have been late uploading the current shows and outside of the Uncuts, the Patreon has been very lackluster for you guys.

This is due to our overly ambitious goals. We wanted to perform at a higher-level providing you guys as much content as possible, without fully grasping the magnitude of this task. Because of this, we started stretching ourselves thin and slowly became burnt out trying to keep a balance between the channel, our full-time work schedule and our personal lives.

Since currently we only have 2 editors (Jake & Nekko), we decided to slow down and focus on the shows we can still deliver on. As we restructure the way the channel & Patreon operate, we have Unpublished the Full Metal Weebs Tier and moved all the content that you would find there into the Weebs Titan Tier.

We are also fully aware that our Discord has been extremely inactive and pretty much dead from nearly its creation. For this, we are very sorry. This has never been our intention and we are dedicated to work on this and bring ourselves back to where we and you guys expect us to be.

We also wanna address properly the disappearance of the other 2 weebs that are part of the channel.

We have mentioned in our previous videos that Meryll had to take a break from being part of the channel to work on finishing her studies. Since we didn't want to put her in a position where she had to pick between her personal goals and the channel, we agreed that she can focus on her studies and come back to us whenever she is ready.

We also mentioned that Mikey needed to take a hiatus from the channel due to family emergency that he needed to take care of. He wants to let you all know that he will be returning soon and ready to provide his reactions for the channel once more.

We are currently working hard on restructuring ourselves to come back strong and we are very excited for the future for this channel. We will provide an update soon on what to expect on what we wanna call "The Weeb's Closet 2.0" project. You might see some things change on the channel, the Patreon, and the Discord in the near future so please do not be alarmed! We hope that you guys continue to stay with us and are as excited to see what the future holds for The Weeb's Closet.

Thank you!
The Weebs


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