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Sorry Guys, we had a hiccup with the Uncut while uploading it.

And couldn’t re-export it before going to work.

We should have it up in around 3 hours (while we get out of work).




<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/4qc26JKswuMKn65ASsVB_hSgcTDLpvoOLAZWx7il_y5L5QGoWQEltXV5bSHc1ZtI.jpg?token-time=1707264000&token-hash=Mf0fA5IIeiWMUmFnG9QfKXixp3V3-1mF0yZNI-NOWH8%3D"><br>Further apologies, i have been 2 hours on the road already, and still have one to go… traffic hasnt been fun.. but On my way to get that vid up!


Apologies, i have been omw for 2 hours now.. have 1 more to go… traffic today has been insane… but will jump on the upload the second I get home . -Nekko