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If anyone were to ask Janine whether she preferred cosplaying eastern or western characters, she would tell you that her favorite was cosplaying, period. She didn't even exactly care about knowing or not knowing the character she was cosplaying, whenever she was cosplaying professionally she was given a script anyway, and she just tried to enjoy herself. 

That said, there was something to be said about the fact that, unfortunately, most of the characters from comic books from her home nation she would've liked to cosplay were way, way taller than her. 

But that was something she couldn't fix, and for the most part, something almost no one cared about. As long as she did the costume justice, most of the time people would be too distracted by her Double Ds to care too much about being a bit short of meeting expectations, so to speak.

"Does this costume make my ass look fat?" she asked, looking over her shoulder and down her back, not quite able to get a good look at her ass.

She raised her eyes and looked upon the love of her life, who gave her two thumbs up, then mimicked an expanding balloon with his hands. It made her ass look very fat indeed. She didn't need to wear butt pads with most of her costume, but unfortunately, Glory was originally designed as a bit of a parody of the 90s trend to have ridiculously sexy female characters whose only role was to attract the male gaze.

It was a wonder she had managed to land this role for the launch of the next volume of one of her favorite stories. While she couldn't really portray the character she would've preferred to portray, on the basis that Gunblood was about twice her height and three times her width, purely made of muscle and carrying tons of guns and other equipment on him at all times that would be hell to wear, Glory was a good second choice, as she was her favorite of the love interests introduced in the comic.

"Looking good there girl!"

The one who had landed Janine the gig in the first place, Beatrice Robinson, original creator of Gunblood, was right there with her in the little changing room. Realistically it was just a tent for the workers to change into their costumes, as the venue hadn't really provided a space for them to do so otherwise. At least this time the agency that was running the show had actually gotten them a tent, Janine had more than once changed behind some sheets held together with makeshift structures, especially if she had to wear more than one costume at a con.

"Thanks, that means a lot from you," Janine gushed. "I'm so happy you got me this job."

"I, it still feels bad, I know they're not exactly paying a lot," admitted the writer, raising a hand to her temple and running it down her hair. She had pulled it back into a low ponytail, and was wearing a staff jacket with her name on a pin over her left breast.

Janine giggled. "Don't worry about that, this stuff has never been profitable anyway!" she said, giving a thumbs up. "It's just a hobby really, and as long as it covers its own costs that's fine enough. They agreed to give me the costume as part of payment!" she said, doing a little twirl to show off the costume.

It was one of Glory's later costumes. Originally she had worn a ridiculously sexy high leg one piece with underboob windows, but over time, she had actually started taking elements from other characters. Glory had gone through several identities, especially with what her name referred to, but the one Janine was wearing was inspired by her initial design. Still a high leg red bodyguard, but the boob window was replaced with a star made of thinner material that showed off her boobs but didn't expose them, thigh high boots and elbow length gloves in blue, and a white tiara. It was parodying a trend of hyperpatriotic costumes at the time of publication.

Made funnier by the fact that Glory used a fake accent in costume to throw people off the trail.

Janine hummed. "Alright, shall we go out to hawk your triumphant return to the series?" she asked.

Beatrice was once again pretending to be Bernard, and would continue to do so for the duration of the con. Truth be told, nothing much happened. Thankfully the event was professional and well managed. While there was the usual creepy weirdo that got a little bit too handsy, as it turns out even if you can't throw a punch to save your life, if you're tall and big enough you usually don't really need to be actually good at fighting to be intimidating.

All things considered, an uneventful con for a worker was a good con. People seemed to have had fun, and sufficient copies had been sold and preordered thanks to a heavy application of elbow grease, insistence and Janine's boobs to ensure that at least the first run of Beatrice's return to the reins of Gunblood's story would be successful. Jury was out on whether the readers would remain with her, but Janine had faith, and she had liked what she saw, so she left the rest on Beatrice's hands.

But still, after work, came the afterparty, and while most people weren't particularly interested, some employees went out drinking, some went out clubbing and Janine and Beatrice... well, there was some liquid courage involved in their outing as well, though they didn't go to a bar, night club or any other such establishment. Instead, they went directly back to their hotel room.

You see, during the celebration after nothing went horrendously wrong and nothing expensive was destroyed or otherwise ruined, Beatrice had... confided certain worries she had on Janine. Seeing her as a very sexy, successful and romantically secure young woman, despite being her elder, Beatrice had sort of... began seeing Janine as something of a mentor. The more inebriated the two became, the more freely they talked.

"No way!!" giggled Janine. "It's not that haaard, really!"

"It's easy for you to say, you're, like, super, duper sexy!" she said, looking Janine up and down. "I'm soooo jelly!"

"Eheh! Thanks!" Janine said, leaning against her. With the loud music, nobody was hearing their little chat. "But you're cute too!" she said. "I'm sure you could find a guy, if you tried!"

"Well, I've never found a guy!" she said. "Lucky you, you've got someone that loves you and is okay with all the looks you get," she huffed. "Meanwhile... the men who want me are creepy weirdos, or they think I'm a boy!"

"Well you dress like a boy," said Janine, giggling. "But if you don't mind, I can help you lose your virginity!"

She snorted. "What, you going to introduce me to a friend of yours?"

Janine swatted her arm. "No way, I'd never do that- well I don't have that many male friends anyway," she said, "but everyone I know is unavailable anyway!"

Beatrice huffed.

"But!" Janine said, booping Beatrice's nose, "I've got a guy myself! I'm sure he'd be down to fuck you!"

"But you just said-"

"Yeah I said, well, he's dating, but that's fine, since the one he's dating is me!"

Beatrice was floored. "Y-Your... your fiancé?" she asked.

"Yup yup," Janine said, popping the p both times, grabbing her glass from the table, and downing the cold water. 

And that was the start of it.

Beatrice was not sober enough to question this, or consider it too deeply really. She was just frustrated, lonely and, well, really really needy. Especially after being in the con all day, because of course, there were sexy cosplayers roaming around all over the place, not just Janine, but many more. 

As they rode a car back home, they giggled about many said cosplayers, debating about whether the Magnaman Cosplayer had stuffed a sock in his underwear or not, Beatrice insisted he definitely had, while Janine, a little more experienced, explained to Beatrice the existence of cups designed to enhance the bulge, usually meant for more racy cosplays.

Before long, though, they were on the way up to the hotel room, leaning on each other, walking a little drunkenly, just like many others. The con wasn't the only event going on around that time, and the hotels were filled up. Thankfully the agency had provided the room for Beatrice, and she had shared it with Jan and her fiancé, ensuring that they wouldn't lack for a place to stay.

As they entered, they found said Fiancé pulling a platter of cookies out from the electric oven that the hotel had provided for them. While they didn't have a stove, they had all that they needed to bake some chocolate chips that smelled absolutely heavenly. Wordlessly, the two drunken ladies drifted over, ambling and shambling, to the only table in the hotel room, sat on its only two chairs, and then ate a few cookies.

They even had glasses of milk to go with it.

"Ahh, what would I do without you my love?" Janine said, looking dreamily at her fiancé. "Probably be in a lot worse mood," she giggled.

"Uhm... I'm, I'm not sure if what you proposed is that good of an idea now... you guys seem to really love each other and I wouldn't want to ruin that, even if, even if you want to help me it's not right..." Beatrice said.

Janine saw her fiancé look at her and raise an eyebrow, questioning. She knew he was imitating one of her favorite characters, she could even hear that character's voice going "fascinating" in her mind as he did so. 

"Oh, right, that," she said. "Love, I want you to grab this beautifully boyish woman right here and fuck her so hard you scramble her brains and they leak out her ears!" she said, standing up and pointing a finger at her. "Oh and if you could pretend to be a sexy young boy while you're doing it, that'd be wonderful."

The record scratch sound wasn't there, but everyone heard it anyway.

"W-Whaaa!!" Beatrice was red like a tomato. "This isn't, I- I'-" she turned to look at Janine's fiancé, and as he drew to his full height, she gulped as she realized that she might be a little taller than the average woman, but he was... a lot taller than the average woman.

"Come on, let's get a shower!!" Janine said.

The less said about the events in the shower, the better. At least the process of cleaning up down there served to sober up Beatrice. But no matter how she protested, she could't bring herself to actually firmly say that she didn't want to proceed... later on in life, she'd be forced to admit that she couldn't bring herself to say stop, or no, because she wanted it to happen far more than she cared to admit.

But for that time... with wobbly legs and a slightly stinging ass, and dressed in a t-shirt, with her hair gathered up and hidden underneath a boyish cap, Beatrice found herself on all fours, over a towel set on top of the hotel room bed, with a man much bigger than her placing the tip of his cock against her lubed up asshole. Ghosts of Janine's fingers, going all over and into it, teasing her, relaxing her and preparing her for what was to come.

She looked to the foot of the bed. There, Janine sat, as naked as she'd been during the shower they'd taken. Janine still had a bit of a buzz. Beatrice didn't even know for sure what was going on anymore, but she was doing it, she was participating. She was losing her virginity, albeit not the one she expected to lose first. She'd never been a popular girl and her work made her even less popular with men. She'd been called boyish and masculine before, but, well, with the large man behind her, it was obvious that at absolute most, she would be like, a little boy compared to his manliness.

Her eyes met Janine's, and the younger woman's hands began playing with her breasts, one of them dipping lower to start teasing at her cunt as she observed what was happening.

The thoroughly lubed up cock pressing against her asshole, so much larger than Janine's fingers, girthier, thicker, heavier, harder... she mewled and moaned as she felt her anus give up in its resistance, the tight ring of muscle that prevented entrance to her backdoor relaxing as it realized its loss, and then, she felt stuffed to a degree she never had before. She would be loathe to admit she had written a lot of fanfiction involving characters she liked fucking each other, and had written dozens upon dozens of scenes of anal sex.

She had never expected that it would feel just how it did. She had written it painful, she had written it amazing, she had written it every which way, between large men and tiny femboys, and between two muscular bronzed gods... she'd dabbled in so many different things in her writing, but she understood then and there that what she had written just didn't get reality in the way she was getting it at that point.

She had once thought that it would feel like taking a really big and hard dump, but it wasn't quite like that, it was different, it hurt in an odd way, but at the same time, her thoroughly prepared anus opened up and allowed the cock in. Her body wasn't supposed to be used like that, but it was adapting to the cock claiming space in her like it belonged there.

Her face screwed up into what she knew to be a terribly ugly look, she wasn't moaning in pleasure like the characters she wrote, she was instead gasping for breath, trying to remember to breathe at all sometimes, and she was hardly managing to remain holding herself up. 

She felt his big, strong, manly hands on her, and she was turned on massively by it.

"Ngnh, I really wish you were wearing a strap on... watching my man dominate another man is turning me on way too much!!" Janine mewled. "Yeah... fuck his tight little ass, darling, make that man into your bitch!!"

The thought actually sent Beatrice into a sexual frenzy herself. She didn't know how it happened or at what time she'd confessed her fantasies, but she was getting her ass turned inside out by a dick that was right out of her most lewd fanfic.

And it was only getting started. He began to move. It felt like he was pulling out his intestines, it hurt so good that she mewled pathetically, her voice coming out in more of a gurgle than anything else as she could barely speak, and then he was putting it back in, pushing back in and going all the way through her ass into her brain, or at least that's how it felt like. Janine had said something about mashing her brains to paste, and it definitely was happening.

He was sawing in and out of her, slowly, but picking up speed as he did, yet somehow, he was doing it with great care, pushing her to her limit, but not beyond it, showing her just how much cock her tight ass could take, and it felt like she was taking an entire gangbang's worth up there!

She was also coming apart at the seams mentally from the pleasure, her first orgasm came not from her ass, but rather, when his hand went to her clit, first mimicking jerking her off, but then adjusting his hand's position so he could pretend to play with a very small dick while instead teasing her clit. She was so overwhelmingly wet there that he was having an easy time playing with her clit, many years of masturbation had done nothing to dull the sensitivity of her lady bits.

"Oh yeah, you're so cute," Janine moaned.

Beatrice wanted to cry out, to call out, to say something, but she couldn't, her voice wouldn't come out in anything other than pleasured screams, as he pounded her so hard she lost strength, going prone over the towel, and the man fucking her ass from behind continued, fucking her hard and strong, making her cum over and over again, requiring no further stimulation of her clit, she was actually cumming from her ass, over and over again.

Maybe she was actually right about some things? Her fantasies were flying free in her brain now, whatever, she didn't care if it made any sense at all, all she cared about was just how good it felt to have a cock spearing her ass.

And then... it came.

He came.

Inside her. Filling her up. She didn't know if that was what was actually happening, but she felt like her stomach was growing, even if it was only her bowels being filled. She had written some unrealistic ejaculations, she hadn't ever expected she'd be on the receiving end of one, it was overwhelming, staggering, and never before had she envied the characters she wrote as much as when she realized they got to experience the wonderful feeling of thick, hot and potent semen in their asses so often.

She closed her eyes, and would only wake up hours later, with a clean ass that was very tender. She looked up and saw her two roommates playing videogames on the console they had brought with them, a very portable one that was a bit outdated, but clearly very fun.

She lifted herself up as best as she could. "Hey," she said, "morning?"

"G'morning," Janine said, while her fiancé threw a wave at her over his shoulder. "You slept like a log."

Everything had seemed normal, then. She wondered if it was all a dream, and the pain in her ass was from tripping or something, while drunk.

"Breakfast is ready," Janine said. "Oh, and you'll want to avoid sitting on your ass for a while. Butt stuff's fun, but it's nowhere near as simple and easy for people just starting out as porn makes it out to be," she said.

Her fiancé pointed at a cushion and ice pack that they'd left out for her on the night stand.

So it wasn't a wierd wet dream.

Her ass seemed to send an emergency alert to her, and she followed their advice to calm and numb the pain. It actually took a couple of days before she was comfortable sitting for long enough to write. 

Even worse was that the itch to do it again wouldn't go away, no matter how many times she played with herself, or which of her toys she used to do so. 

Beatrice looked at the contact info her newest friend had left her, and her hand tremblingly approached her phone to send off a message. "Dammit, Janine, why'd you have to make me an anal addict..." she muttered.

But that's a story for another time...


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