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The noises of people became unidentifiable white noise as the door closed behind the parent and child duo, called to the office. The duo hardly looked like the mother and child they purported to be. 

The mother was a voluptuous beauty, with flowing and long pale hair, of a silvery blue color that enchanted the viewer as it trailed beind her. She was dressed like a professional woman, a tight white shirt, an even tighter black suit skirt, sensible black shoes, and the only accessory on her, a black ribbon holding her hair in a high ponytail.

She was a beautiful woman wherever you looked at her, but she had a severe and displeased expression on her face. Of course she would, after all, what kind of mother enjoys being called to school because of her unruly and problematic child? "Good day," the woman said, her voice tense. "I believe you've summoned me?"

"You must be Missus Morgan le Fay, Miss Mordred's mother, correct?" the Teacher asked, receiving a nod in return, but no verbal affirmation. "Please, take a seat," said the teacher, gesturing at the pair of chairs already laid out for the visitors, resting his elbows and forearms on the desk, clear and free of obstacles. 

"Right," the woman said. She moved her almost distressingly beautiful body with the grace of a flowing stream, using her hands to smooth out her skirt and make sure it didn't roll up as she sat down. It was almost humorous to see her perform every motion so perfectly. Practiced, but not natural. A woman who was used to being in the seat of power, not on that side of the desk in the least.

"Ugh, why'd we have to come here and do this..." 

The child in question caught the teacher's attention, his gaze turning to her sharply. The mother seemed to wait for a moment, as if trying to calm herself.

A blonde girl, a bit on the shorter side, wearing a dark blue old school sailor style uniform, with a pleated skirt, red ribbon, and black tights. She looked a bit uncomfortable, not just with the situation, but with the clothes she was wearing, adjusting them as she walked towards the chair, pulling it back a little, and sitting down, much more sloppily and roughly than her mother.

Enough so that even if one wasn't paying attention, they wouldn't have missed the sight of her panties, as her skirt flipped when she plopped herself down on her seat.

"I've already explained to you, Mordred, that is not how a young woman should move," the mother said, her tone cold and almost acid. "You are more than capable of following instructions, and I know your motor skills are not lacking, so sit properly."

The girl huffed, but did as her mother ordered, correcting herself so she sat with her legs closed together, her hands on her thighs near her knees, and an annoyed expression on her face.

"I believe you've read the note and email sent to you," the teacher said, his fingers coming together as his wrists lifted exactly from the desk, "I will be frank and clear, Missus le Fay," the teacher explained, "we have a very strict policy regarding violence within school grounds. Without mincing words, starting a fight, and going as far as Miss Mordred went in order to finish it, is a very serious offense. An offense so serious, in fact, that she could face expulsion," the man explained. 

"I understand, policy is policy," the mother said, sharply. "However - I believe you would not have summoned me to talk if this was an inevitable conclusion."

"Indeed. As it is," the teacher explained, turning his eyes towards the guilty looking blonde, "I do happen to have some fondness for your daughter. She is a brilliant girl when she wishes to be, and here at Camelot Academy we very much praise those who possess a strong spirit of chivalry. Furthermore, her brothers and sister are alumni that our academy is quite proud of. I would be remiss if I were not to give Miss Mordred due consideration, regarding her circumstances," the teacher explained.

"I am not too fond of the implication of nepotism involved," the mother said sharply.

"Hardly," the teacher responded, raising his hands with his palms open to forestall further interruption and objection. "Rather, I believe that she has the potential to surpass her siblings and achieve greater success," he explained, raising a finger, "and I do admit, there is a part of me that refuses to punish someone for fighting in defense of another. Even if I would've preferred she had come to inform me or another teacher so that we may act, instead of knocking someone's teeth out."

Mordred huffed. "Serves that douchebag- ow! What the hell mom!" she barked, as she was smacked in the back of the head by the older woman.

"I see - so there is a chance," the woman explained.

"Indeed. I have the ability," the teacher explained, "to put my name and stake my career on this matter. I am willing to do this for your daughter," he said.

"But not for free," Missus le Fay spoke, closing her eyes. "I see. I understand. Very well then - how much will it be?" she asked.

"Oh, no, I'm not looking for that sort of bribe, Missus le Fay, though I am aware you are quite affluent. What I'm looking for is proof of commitment, not just from your daughter - but from yourself, as well. Discipline starts at the home, after all."

The silver haired mother stopped for a moment. "Proof of commitment," she said, her mouth drawing into a tight frown. 

The teacher got up from his chair, and walked around the desk. The two women, mother and daughter, seeing this backed off a little, giving him space as he rested his weight on the edge of the desk, the perfect height for him to sit on it, rather than a chair, with a little stretching. "Yes, I do believe you understand what sort of thing I'm asking about."

"I do," Missus le Fay said, softly. "I will show you that I am committed to protecting my daughter's future," she said. "Mordred, you stay seated there, and don't interrupt. Pay attention. If you truly wish to grow up into a splendid knight, then you should know when to stand straight, and when to bend the knee," she said. "And whom to bend the knee to, of course."

The teacher smirked, as he reached for the front of his pants, undoing the belt of his slacks and unzipping the front.

The mother took over from that point, reaching for the teacher's pants and the elastic of his underwear, pulling them both down and revealing a half hard cock. Already, he was showing that he was more than willing to receive her proof of commitment. She used a hand to pull her hair back, ensuring that even the few strands that were loose from her braid and ponytail wouldn't interfere, and got on her knees, resting them on the plush carpet.

"M-Mom what the hell are you doing!!" Mordred shouted.

"I am paying for your mistakes, Mordred," the mother said, "now stay quiet while I do so," she said.

"N-No way... mom- mom is really, going down on someone!?" 

Indeed, she was going down on the lucky teacher, lowering her head until she reached the half hard cock, and kissing the tip, doing so again and again, while using one hand to stabilize herself, pressing against his thigh, and the other to keep him in place, as she began to use her tongue, first licking at his head, then going lower, licking at his balls, lapping at the sack, making naughty slurping sounds as she did, then dragging her tongue slowly, putting pressure on the shaft as she did, up, tracing the path of one of the thicker veins, visibly running up the length of the shaft as it grew increasingly erect in just moments, reaching the tip and a full erection.

"Impressive," the woman muttered, looking up at the teacher, opening her mouth, and then engulfing his hard cock with it, breaking the sustained gaze as she went lower and lower, her eyes closing and her face turning lower as she took all of the length of the cock into her mouth and down her throat, going as deep as she could until she placed a kiss on his crotch itself, her mouth making a ring around the base, while her hand moved lower to begin playing with his balls as she used her throat muscles to massage his cock.

She pulled back up and her hand moved back to the shaft, stroking it as she began to lick and suck on the tip, once again looking up at him, blue eyes maintaining perfect contact as she did so, making naughty moaning sounds as she licked, sucked, slurped and swallowed the increasing flow of precum, her hand making naughty, slick and wet noises as she increased the speed of her stroking.

"Ngh, no way... I can't believe it... Mom's really on her knees, sucking a man off..." 

She wasn't just sucking the teacher off, she was giving an olympic-level blowjob, the likes of which would put even a well educated and thoroughly trained prostitute to shame. Her mouth now joined her hand in stroking, going about halfway down the shaft as the hand covered the other half, pulling back up, her wrist rotating to add more stimulation to her stroking motions.

She spared no effort and wasted no movement, rapidly causing him to climb towards orgasm. 

"Ugh, fuck, you're way too good at this..! Here it comes, show me, gh, your commitment, and swallow it, Missus le Fay!!" the teacher called, his hands grabbing onto the edge of his desk so hard the wood creaked, as he thrust his dick into her mouth, not getting much farther than the entrance thanks to her hand steadying him, and then he exploded within, filling her mouth with the first shot, the second forcing her cheeks to puff up, and then she was swallowing rapidly and relentlessly, making sure that not a single droplet of cum went anywhere but down her esophagus into her stomach, sucking him off as he came to ensure every last drop was out of his urethra, until he finally finished cumming, all of his load making her feel like she'd had an especially heavy lunch.

She pulled back, only a little disheveled, the top buttons of her tight white shirt coming undone and letting her voluptuous chest's cleavage make a delicious appearance. 

"Would that serve as proof of my commitment to our arrangement?" she asked. 

"You understand, I would need continuous assurance," the teacher said, his breathing a little heavy.

"I see. Then, I shall fit you into my schedule, once a week, but no more," she said.

"Sounds good to me," the teacher said. "But now - Miss Mordred, I do still need to discipline you. Even if your mother has convinced me that I am putting my career in good hands by entrusting you with it," he said, as the woman tapped her fingers to her lips, still not having risen. "What to do..."

"My daughter," the mother said sharply, "will comply with any form of discipline you wish to impart upon her."

"Ugh, this is ridiculous. I'm already an adult! What are you gonna do, bend me over your knee and spank me?!" she huffed.

"That sounds like a capital idea," the teacher said, his lips curling into a smirk. He got off the desk and sat on the chair used by the mother before. The crucial difference with the one behind his desk was the lack of armrests.

"What, no, you can't-"

"Mordred, you will submit to any punishment he deems worthy," Missus le Fay said harshly, "or you will have to deal with an even worse one from me."

Letting out an almost adorably cute 'eep' sound ill fitting of a young lady of her age, Mordred basically threw herself over the teacher's lap, almost knocking the chair over, but he steadied himself and the chair, and with a little effort, moved Mordred so her stomach was over his lap, putting her in prime position. He hummed, flipped her skirt up and revealed her rounded little peach of an ass. 

Camelot Academy's boys had been more than once caught trying to sneak a peek at the now exposed butt, covered only by semitransparent black tights, and encased in a pair of white panties that almost vanished into her crack. She was usually more of a tomboy, but she'd never seemed to have an issue with exposing her body, which was a headache for the teachers quite often.

"Shall we set the number at twenty, for today?" the teacher asked. "Once for each entry in your disciplinary record," he said.

Mordred huffed. "Do your worst, Teach! You won't even be able to-"

The first swat came swiftly and unexpectedly, and she let out a yelp, more of surprise than pain.

She grinned. "See? I barely even felt that!" she crowed.

"Ah, good, that was just to warm up my hand," the teacher said, stretching his fingers. "Missus le Fay-"

"Please, call me Morgan," she said.

"Right, Morgan," the teacher said, a little more warmly, "if you're uncomfortable with this, don't hesitate to tell me."

"No, please, do continue. My daughter needs this, perhaps more than either of us knew," she spoke.


"What are you two talkyeowch!!!" 

The thundering crack of skin muffled by the fabric of her tights and panties resounded in the room. "That's one," the man said, "hm, that didn't feel nice," he added, looking at his hand. "It was... unsatisfying."

"Please, allow me," Morgan said, reaching for her daughter's butt, and tearing the tights with her nails, ripping open a hole big enough to expose the slightly reddened, pale pink skin of Mordred's buttocks.

"W-Wow, woah, what the hell!"

"I can replace them easily," Morgan said, smoothly, "Please- start from scratch."

"Of course," the teacher agreed, raising his hand, and then bringing it back down like a guillotine, this time the smacking slap of skin on skin was truly and utterly satisfying, and Mordred let out a pained cry and shook intensely, especially as his hand lingered on her ass, squeezing the rapidly reddening cheek briefly. "Good, that felt better," he said, "you felt it too, didn't you Mordred? This is for your own good," the teacher said. "And that is one. Count them for me," he said, "and if you miss one or mess up, I'll start from the beginning again! Here we go!"

And then he raised his hand and brought it down like a bolt from Zeus himself on her other buttcheek, making it match, and giving it a nice and good squeeze while Mordred cried out in pain.

"I do believe I didn't hear a 'two'," Morgan supplied. "My child is most undisciplined... I agree this is for her own good, I think you should start from scratch," she suggested.

"You're right," the teacher agreed. "Good call, Morgan," he said.

"W-What the fuck, no! That's not faaaayyyieeee~!" Mordred screeched.

"Count them, Mordred!" Morgan ordered, brusquely.

"O-ONE!!" Mordred cried out, and then rapidly, the second came, another smashing slap that left her breathless, barely capable of getting out the "TWO!" before the third came, the speed and power of each spank making it hard for her to think, making her shake and let out mewling cries.

She got all the way to seven before she failed, letting out a gurgling cry that prevented her from calling out Seven before the Eight blow came down, and so the count started again, the teacher mercilessly continuing to rain resounding blows on her increasingly redder ass, but with disciplinarian encouragement from her mother, Mordred finally began counting again.

"T-Twelve!" she cried, tears leaking out of her eyes, rolling down her cheeks, she was drooling too, and almost with machine like precision, another blow came, and she screamed "Thir,gh,teen!!" as it hit her, trembling and shaking all over the place, screaming "FOURTEEEEEN!!" as the next blow hit her.

With a big smirk, the teacher raised his hand, and then brought it down a lot more gently, smacking her butt with an almost friendly tap, your fingers slipping down her crack, and towards her crotch, your thumb pressing against her butthole through her panties.

"Ngnh, harder daddy~!" Mordred cried out in ecstasy, as she completely flooded her panties with her juices.

And then the charade fell apart.

"E-Eh- what did I," Mordred's face became even redder than it already was. "N-No, wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

You lifted her and turned her around so she sat on your lapcareful not to rest her ass on your legs, instead her legs and back while her butt hung in the middle, and then you kissed her deeply, silencing her, hugging her close.

"You did well sweetie, daddy's very proud," you said, kissing her cheek and forehead.

"My ass hurts really bad," she said, huffing. "Did you have to enhance your hand with magic?" she asked.

"Yes, because you like it when it hurts, don't you? What was that you said? It was really cute, can you say it again for me?"

She huffed, turning red and burying her face in your chest.

"I believe she said 'harder daddy'," Morgan supplied. "I agree, it was very cute," she said. "I cannot comprehend my panhuman history self's thoughts and actions," she said, rubbing her chin. "What could she have been thinking... to have made something as outrageous as you, and to neglect you like this," she muttered. "Such a waste..."

"Don't ask me, Mom would barely talk to me about anything other than what I was supposed to do," Mordred said. looking at Morgan.

You patted her head gently. "It's okay," you said, "everything I've heard suggests you and her are only as similar as you are different," you said, looking at Morgan.

"I suppose so," Morgan said, sighing. She brought a hand up to her lips, and rubbed them briefly. "Alright, that is enough of a rest," she said. "Shall we move on to the next part?" she asked.

Mordred nodded as well. "Alright," she said, closing her eyes. You kissed her again, she returned it, and then the two of you got back into position. She took a deep breath. "Alright, I'm ready," she said, slipping back into character.

One of the side effects of Mordred accepting herself, every part of her, was that she had actually become a terrific actress, and in fact, she had actually starred in quite a few films for Chaldea's productions. While normally, she primarily played handsome or pretty princes, valiant warriors and knights, and even the occasional evil general, that is to say, she focused primarily on the mainstream productions that Edison created for a massive audience...

Well, you didn't need her to state it, Mordred was quite open about how much she enjoyed any excuse to have sex with you.

Moving her back into place. "That wasn't a number, so I'm starting from one again, count them," you said, smirking down at her.

Mordred had already cum her brains out, but if anything, it only made her more sensitive, and before you were done with the scene, she would cum a couple more times. The script fell off the rails when you began to finger Mordred while Morgan took over spanking her, but nobody really minded, especially not Mordred or Morgan...


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