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The excessively lavish and outright tackily decorated Golden Theater of the Deranged was dressed in white and filled with flowers, and even the indistinct screeching of its owner was replaced by a fanciful and lovely tone played in an organ, composed by Mozart himself even.

The theater's shape was everchanging and mutable, as was the whims of its creator and owner, and naturally, it would always reshape itself to be the most useful for whatever spectacle the ever so flighty Emperor desired to hold and host within its insanely expensive confines.

The main stage was a raised circular platform, around it was a lowered platform covered in shadows, along which the stage hands, many individuals with pitch black skin and extremely mutable physiology despite all being the exact same person, would run around and provide support from the shadows, and beyond that space began the seating area for the spectators, three floors of luxurious seating, each booth matching or exceeding the most lavish theater seating the world ever did see.

At the very center of the stage, in the middle of the white rose design, stood the star of the show, who would never allow anyone else to take center stage but her within her own theater. Her name was long, but she answered to Nero Claudius and she was definitely catching everyone's attention.

She stood tall at an impressive one hundred and fifty centimeters of height, and within the theater, jokes about said height were banned and penalized with ten thousand years of passionate ranting on the subject, her arms were spread wide, gesturing to call all attention to herself as she did a little spin and then stood sticking her chest out. Thoughts of how short she was flew out the window in the sight of the truly impressive rack that she sported, and she was putting it on display with the outfit she had chosen.

It was more appropriate to call it bondage lingerie than a dress, no matter how much she insisted that she was wearing a wedding dress. She even had chains and a big padlock resting on her breasts, for crying out loud!

Not that it lasted long on her, as she continued with the little show exposing her body, striking a powerful walk and making her high heels resound across the mostly silent theater, as everyone became enraptured by the show put on by the Emperor, while the music became quieter... it was time to start the show proper, after all.

The emperor's golden hair was packed into a tight bun, and she had a veil that covered the back of her head and most of her face, but it was impossible to miss her smirk, especially as she pulled back the part of the veil that covered her face, at the same time as she stuck a hand under the padlock and reached for the zipper beneath it - the padlock was actually just a decoration after all!

She did a full walkabout of the stage, before she began lowering the zipper that held her skintight wedding-themed bondage suit, revealing she wore an immaculate white corset underneath it, and going lower and lower, reaching her crotch to reveal the matching white panties, pure and pristine. 

Like she was peeling her very skin off, she used her hands to almost tear the outfit off of her, the cuts she had already prepared, abusing the modern invention of velcro and double sided tape, allowed her to remove it like she was just walking out of it, letting the outfit drop behind her, though she still kept the gloves and stockings of it, both white base with black and golden accents on them, giving her a very regal and sexy air, the wedding lingerie matching with her sexy walk perfectly.

She made sure to show off her body as she moved, to give everyone in the theater, everywhere, on every side, a good look at her body. Though she might lack in height, she was possessed of an impressive figure, she leaned forward and blew a kiss towards the admiring fans in front of her, while at the same time arching her back to make sure to stick out her butt so the fans behind her could see the best, most prominent profile of her delightfully round butt.

With her right arm, she pushed her breasts up and winked at the audience, and with her left hand, she smacked her own ass, grabbed hold of the fat left cheek, and showed everyone the jiggle and give it had, as well as its firmness as it snapped back into its shape, turning around and grabbing the pole that erupted from the ground, jumping onto it and making it spin her around, letting it carry her higher, locking her legs around it and allowing herself to drop, holding herself up by her legs only, and sticking her arms behind her head, showing her incredible body in its full glory to all present, as the pole spun around.

It slowly lowered her down until her hands came into contact with the ground, her wrists crossed as she planted them on the ground and unhooked her legs, the pole rapidly disappearing as she spread open her legs, then she used the present position of her hands to  twist and swing her legs, spinning in place before letting herself fall on the ground, softly and gently, now back in the exact middle of the rose design at the stage's center, both hands reaching up towards the audience, unbeknownst to all of them using the magical power of her theater to present an image where she was reaching out to every single person at once.

She regarded each and every one of the people present with a smile, kicking off her shoes, as she did, spreading her legs, and almost transporting them right next to the stage, as if all of them were right there next to her.

What she was reaching out, towards, was to the one climbing onto the stage by the set of silver stairs that protruded into the sole opening into the theater, she was reaching her hands out to the partner with whom she had conspired to put on the show for all those who had come to see her... she was reaching out towards you.

Indeed, she reached her hands to you as you stepped onto the stage. She wanted to put on a show, she had put in a request, she had begged and she had promised to do anything you wanted if you would just join her, if you would be her partner for the show she wanted to put on. Nero had a terrible migraine problem, lived suffering from them every waking moment of her life, migraines that only became worse and more debilitating when she tried to put on any sort of show involving the performance arts, and there was a part of her that longed to act or sing in front of an audience again...

But she couldn't.

Because even if the migraines didn't make it impossible, her absolute lack of any sort of ability to actually please anyone with her performances would've made it impossible. Ritsuka was willing to let her ears bleed to make Nero happy, but certainly wouldn't be putting other people through the experience... and while you were perfectly willing to humor Nero as a spectator, and Medea had supplied you with the best earplugs magic could create for you, a golden opportunity came up...

You took Nero's hands with yours, linked your fingers with hers. 

Valentine's had come and gone, but Chaldea had a habit of holding weeklong events for seasonal holidays, and this was just yet another of the shows put on by this year's Valentine's Event... and for today, Nero was the main show, to give a little bit of a treat to lonely men. Gathering single men, sending them an invitation, bringing them over... A little bit of a treat, a chocolate from a woman who literally needed to use time manipulation to spend the important day with several hundred different people, for those who had no one else.

The magics of the Golden Theater, though it was currently silver and black, would allow them to experience it as if they were right next to it. Nero's voice carried to every seat, the image of her face, her smile of pure happiness as she was taking in hand, would be burned in the minds of every spectator. They were seeing a spectacle of beauty and sensuality the likes of which they could never see anywhere else, almost experiencing it in their own flesh.

For Nero, who loved to be exposed, who wished to show everything of her to everyone who would look, it was the ultimate form of exhibitionism, exposing not her body or her mind, but her very desires and passions, exposing the burning flame that lay deeper within, her heart, if you will. 

Oh, and of course, as you pressed your cock against her panty-clad cunt, the fact that everyone was looking at her very sexy body as she was about to get fucked definitely helped. Turned her on massively. Had her positively gushing her juices out, in fact.

At the end of the day, this was probably even more of a gift for Nero herself than it was for anyone else, to be given the ability to engage in what was almost her ultimate fantasy, being observed by a whole lot of men as she had something akin to a wedding night... if her loins were any more heated, she'd be a raging inferno. As it was, you were sure the only reason her panties weren't on fire was because of how thoroughly soaked they were, she was almost boiling hot as you pressed your body against hers, and claimed her mouth with a kiss.

The gazes of a hundred men bore into you, each of them almost projecting their desires unto you, mashing together into the single solitary desire to fuck the beautiful tiny blonde under you into a sloppy mess, which synchronized with your own desire, and so you did exactly that. She did you the courtesy of moving her panties out of the way, while you popped her gloriously large tits out of her corset with your hands, taking the right one into your mouth, while you started massaging and pinching the other with your hand.

There was no need to waste time, you pushed in, Nero almost molding her body around yours, twisting so that you could just push forward and unerringly penetrate her, going past her entrance and directly into her soaking wet and unbelievably hot, tight and needy love hole.

Desire and passion overflowed, but this couldn't just be like this, so as you penetrated her, Nero moved swiftly, and pushed you, easily flipping the two of you around so that she was seated on your crotch, straddling your waist, the bun her hair was put into coming undone and letting her long golden blonde hair fall free behind her, jade green eyes glinting under the bright light. On your back, on the ground, it was impossible not to notice the very many eyes boring into the two of you.

If anything, being exposed in front of everyone made it all even hotter, and Nero's moans resounded over the entire theater as she began to ride you, one hand behind her to support herself, the other on your stomach, as she began rocking her hips wildly and powerfully, moaning lewdly as she did so, looking for the best angle and squeezing her pussy just right to send searing flames of pleasure through you.

The feeling of Nero's ass on your hips was actually quite intense, the slap it produced resounded all over the theater, Nero was losing it herself, almost forgetting that she was meant to be putting on a show, and instead, she leaned forward now, both hands on your chest, bouncing her lower body on yours in a way more fitting of a desperate woman crazed by pleasure rather than a dignified Emperor.

You had to grit your teeth and tense up your body to resist the pleasure she was giving you, and it seemed like she made it a point to never let go of your cock with her internal muscles. Nero possessed the uncanny ability Imperial Privilege, which allowed her to adopt any skill set she required whenever she needed it, and currently, she was borrowing riding skills that had her giving you an intensely overwhelming pleasure that was building up in your core.

You looked into her eyes.

"Just wait for the final spectacle...!" she mused, closing her eyes, and then really putting on a show, letting her voice free, producing a far more enchanting and adorable song than she ever had before, accompanied by the soft music that filled the theater. "Now everyone, worship me, look at me, set your gazes upon me, let me feel the flames of passion that burn between your thighs, that boiling hot liquid pleasure contained within you, let it burst free! Let your hesitation free, let your restraint go, release your sanity and join the spectacle of the deranged!!" she called, still bouncing on your hips, but raising her hands high, sticking her chest out, speaking to the audience, "each and every one of you that has held back for so long, no more, stroke those cocks for your Emperor, and give to me a tribute of your burning hot seed, full of your passion and love!!"

You could almost HEAR the guttural growls and moans from the audience, faceless entities who nonetheless had been burning holes into you with their stares since the start of the spectacle, and it began, you couldn't resist anymore as Nero's insides tightened, you realized then that she was experiencing a tremendously potent orgasm, fighting to keep your eyes open, only able to see the fact that there was a rain of cum tributes upon the precious white skin of the Emperor.

She let out a mewling cry as she felt every single streak land upon her, covering her in many different streaks of semen, some goopy, some sticky, some runny, some watery, the cum of hundreds of men was sprayed onto the Emperor as a display of their devotion to her.

But only one person got to paint her insides, and that was you, as the semen exploded from your balls up your shaft and into her greedy and needy cunt, filling her womb and triggering an even stronger orgasm from her. You couldn't possibly begrudge her the pleasure, but you would absolutely remind her and her body who it truly belonged to.

She gazed down at you, the minx was clearly satisfied to a ridiculous degree.

The theater faded around you, and you were back on a room that was empty but for its occupants...

Nero collapsed on top of you, no longer capable of remaining up. Tired, exhausted, after hosting the event all day. Luckily, when she had called off her Noble Phantasm, it also had the nifty side effect of cleaning her up, ensuring she wouldn't make you dirty and sticky when she relaxed on your chest, her massive pillows feeling quite nice against your body.

She sighed, mewling and twitching in pleasure. "Ahhn... no matter how much I adore the masses' homage to me," she said, a hand reaching to her stomach. "It simply does not compare to the warmth of the seeds of life within me," she spoke, letting out a sigh.

There was a moment's pause as you simply basked in each other's warmth.

Then she broke the silence.

"Do you think you could cover me in your seed?" she asked, looking up at you with a curious, and quite eager, expression. "Though it of course is amazing to receive the love of my adoring fans," she spoke, "it simply lacks the impact of being covered in a beloved lover's seed," she hummed. "Hm... perhaps a bath in my beloveds' ejaculate..." she was daydreaming, but the reactions of her pussy were making it impossible for you to go soft inside her.

Before long, just imagining it had her starting to rock her hips again... and though the spectacle was just over, your day with Nero had only just started.

"We can do a trial run," you mused, "but I'll need to pull out before I cum inside you," you warned.

She looked saucily at you. "Then I shall ensure that you do so!" she said.

By the time you were pounding her into the ground, cumming inside her, her legs were locked behind your back and she was too busy in a tongue dance with you to even complain about it...


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