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Janine was hardly ever someone who initiated conflict. She was even less prone to conflict ever since she got in a relationship that fulfilled one of her most deeply held desires and allowed her to blossom into her true self. Some would even argue that she was spineless, but of course, those people were wrong. It is not cowardly to avoid conflict when it's not to one's benefit after all.

Perhaps one of her greatest qualities was her ability to avoid drawing ire to herself. Even when she had been at her old job, which was a less than stellar workplace, she had managed to mostly avoid her idiotic boss' attention more than almost any other employee, despite the unending rage that seemed to pour out of the smallminded man that got his position purely through nepotism.

Some people would be shocked to find how vitriolic, venomous and outright vicious she could get when speaking about her previous boss in her old job, thinking her incapable of such thoughts.

However, almost anyone who thought her a sweet and loving woman would have that thought wiped out of their heads when they saw her run the Mausoleum of Horrors campaign, which she had put her party through on stream. Seeing her take gleeful joy in the brutal deaths of her players' characters, over and over again, had resulted in a lot less calls for Janine to run the games of their viewers...

Though of course, there were plenty of horny men who didn't care that she had no interest in anything but actually playing DnD. The game with viewers had to be scrapped because of the creeps that were constantly hitting on her, any attempt at testing the waters ended with people simply making it impossible to play.

Weirdly enough, what had started as a girls only game purely because of the players' circumstances had wound up becoming a girls only game because the DM's fans were... too problematic.

In its place, and with the open spot on her schedule, instead, Janine had employed Rita, Carlotta and Sandra to instead play a rather different tabletop RPG than the Pathstrider game that they played so frequently.

This one would not be streamed at the usual place and instead, was being released as a series of videos, the reason why soon became evident. After they had gotten a lot of confidence boosters from their previous successes and a lot of compliments, Sandra and Carlotta had worked up the nerve to once again participate in a video, and Rita, well, she was always up for something that combined her enjoyment of tabletop games, and her enjoyment of getting dicked on top of a table.

The first thing that was outside the norm was the costuming. Janine had a lot of props, costumes and the skill to use them, and of course, this meant she could also create new costumes from bits and pieces of her old ones. A lot of which were either outdated, not as good as what she could currently create, or simply she just plain never thought she'd use them again.

So Janine had brought them out, adjusted them, and lewdified them.

Carlotta brought back one of her old characters, Moonbeam the Ranger. Janine had made her new clothes, helped her dye her hair the right shade of blonde, and then provided her with her costume. Her normal appearance was that of a mousy girl, without any outstanding features beside her lustrous brown hair, nobody would connect the stunning ranger she was portraying with the person she was beneath the costume.

Especially considering that she was the sort of person who wore shorts and a shirt over her swimsuit at the beach, and yet, there she was, being filmed in nothing but a repurposed set of bloomers in green, a leather bra and a green cloak. She also had glasses and blue contacts on to change her eyecolor.

"Looking good there Charlie," Janine winked, as she moved about. As the Dungeon Master, she had dressed herself up as the main antagonist of the campaign, the Succubus Queen, a lewd one piece outfit she called her 'hentai villainess' outfit, a high leg leotard with an open boob window, large shoulderpads, no panties or bra of course, and a coronet on her head. She reached for Carlotta's ass and grabbed it, squeezing. "Been doing some squats I see."

"W-Well you recommended it and it's been working out, uhm, working out has, I mean- you know what I said!" she said, her face red, before she slapped herself. 

"I'm ready to start myself," Rita said as she came into the room from the dressing booth, something that became a necessity down here for the girls to be comfortable changing into their outfits, especially when they participated in videos. "How do I look?" she asked, striking a pose and showing off her body.

She wore open robes, long enough to reach her feet, which were slit on both sides all the way from her feet to just about her ribs, while she had a neckline that plunged low enough that if she had any pubic hair whatsoever, it'd be visible. She also wore no bra, and as she arched her back, one hand holding the brim of her hat, the other holding onto her staff, using it as a support so she could raise and lift her leg, it became obvious that she was wearing a high riding string thong, tied with ribbons.

"Super sexy!" Janine said, giving her double thumbs up. "The fans are gonna love it, Rita! Oh, I guess we should get into character, so Iris!"

"Why aren't we just doing larping, again?" Rita asked, chuckling as she approached the table at the middle of the room.

"Well that just seems like we would wind up being ridiculous," Janine said, "plus we'd need more space and it's a mess, let's just go with this, it's easier and the fans already know what we're about."

"Yeah this, this is less embarrassing. Plus I think I'd break something if I tried to move around with a bow, even if it was a prop," Carlotta said, twiddling her thumbs. "Uhm... where is Sandra?"

"Hooold up!" 

There was a crash, as if something heavy had dropped. 

"I'm fine!" 

There were a few moments of silence, and then.

"I'm not fine, I dropped the prop shield on my foot!" 

"There's Sandra," Rita said, sounding amused.

Soon enough, Sandra came down the stairs into the basement. She had changed upstairs as first Carlotta and then Rita had taken up the changing booth, and on top of that, she had the most complicated costume to change into, as it was composed of pieces of faux armor that were a bit harder and more time consuming to put on, as well as needing someone to assist her with the process.

She had taken her shield back in hand, and she also had a prop sword with her, one meant to resemble a famous weapon from a very famous property, called the Magister Sword, it would do just as well for their campaign.

Her costume consisted of a pair of panties with faux plates attached to them, that covered the sides of her thighs but didn't cover her crotch or butt at all, a sling bra design that showed off that she was quite chesty, shoulderpads connected to a neckguard, vambraces, fingerless leather gloves, greaves and sabatons, all in faux metal. She blushed as attention turned to her. She was still self conscious, despite how much she had changed.

Once she had been overweight, some would've even said she was borderline obese, and she was still a plump woman, but she didn't have a protruding belly anymore, her arms had no hanging fat, and most importantly, she was feeling so much better about her own body that she could wear the skimpy costume for a video and not immediately flee as soon as her confidence failed her.

"Damn, you look fine girl," Janine praised, looking her up and down, wagging her eyebrows. "Have you been working out even more?"

"I, uhm, yeah, thank you, I also followed your diet advice," she said, nodding her head. "Is it fine if I don't do the accent this time?" she asked. "It's, uhm, it's really hard to keep up for so long, i-it's fine if you n-need me to, b-but,"

"No no, it's okay, while the Scottish Dwarf is a classic," Janine said, waving her hand as if tossing the problem away, "I know how hard it can be to stay in character when it's so different from how you usually talk, trust me."

Rita laughed. "We struggle with that sometimes, and we're literally pros," she said. "Ever wondered why most cosplayers on display don't usually talk? I mean, beyond the voice mismatch. Fastest way to break the illusion is to drop character with your speech patterns."

"Oh, I, I see," she said, nodding, shaking a little and then working the nerves off with it, tapping the prop sword against her shield. "Alright, then I'm ready," she said.

Janine grinned, nodded, and then made a hand gesture, indicating it was time to start recording. The lights turned off and then only the appropriate ones, the mood lighting, turned back on, indicating the recording had begun.

"Good, my cute little adventurers..! Then it's time that I, henceforth known as Succubus Queen Lewdia-"

"Seriously?" Rita interrupted.

"Shush!" Janine responded, clearing her throat then returning to her speech, "will teach you the rules of our little game! Follow them, and I might just grant you a chance for an audience with me, break them, and I will send you to your doom!"

The three players nodded, as Janine took her spot behind her screen and the other three stood around the table - they would sit soon, but for now, the video was shooting, and they stood where they knew there was a camera pointing at each of them.

"Now, introduce yourselves, heroines who will descend into the depths of my dungeon!" she said, gesturing at Rita first, to set the example for the other two.

"I am Iris, I am a spellcaster, a Wizard, recently graduated from the College of Cantorbury!" Rita said, raising her staff and flicking a strand of her green wig's hair behind her shoulder, under her wide brimmed hat. "I shall use my magicks to bring an end to your reign of terror over the people of Inmaville!"

Janine gestured to Carlotta, who for a brief moment had the look of a deer caught in the headlights, but then she got into gear, all the rehearsals kicking in. "My name is Moonbeam, I am a Ranger from the Enchanted Forest, I shall track you down and bring you to justice, for the people of Inmaville!"

Finally, Janine's hand moved to Sandra, who screwed her eyes shut for a moment, then puffed her not inconsiderable chest out. "I am," she said, "the law!" she added, raising her prop sword up to her chest, "Paladin Silvia, of the house of the Blue Rose!" she declared. "God's will be done, I shall cleanse your corruption, and save Inmaville!"

"Kufufu, then I shall await for you at the depths of my dungeon, at the center of Inmaville, m domain and my playground, I am the Succubus Queen Lewdia, ruler supreme of these lands, and I shall play with you to amuse myself!" declared Janine, throwing her hands out. "But listen, and listen well, young heroines! For my patience is as short as my power is great!"

The trio then made a show of raising their weapons, Carlotta even picking up the prop bow and taking a step back.

"First, in my lands, the rules are different than what you are used to!" Janine declared, raising a finger. "Yes indeed- here, you do not just have your Hit Points, you also have your Lust Points!" she explained, bringing a hand down to her belly. She had painted a womb tattoo over herself, it would only be seen very late into the session, but she still rubbed it. "Each of you has been branded with the Mark of Lust," she spoke, "and you will accumulate lust points to empower that mark! When you accumulate too many lust points, you will lose your minds, and become my daughters, my succubi, and join me terrorizing the weak humans!"

"Oh no!" Carlotta, no, Moonbeam the Ranger spoke. "How are lust points accumulated?"

"Normal monsters and human opponents will frequently target your hit points, injuring you directly, but the sensual sex demons within my dungeon, they care little for death and destruction, we are demons of lust and love by nature after all... they will go directly for your minds, and their attacks, rather than take away your hit points, will instead accumulate lust points within you!"

"Oh no! But how can we manage those lust points?" Iris the Wizard spoke. "Is there perhaps a spell or artifact?"

The Succubus Queen spread her hands grandly. "Why, there just might be! My dungeon is ever changing and growing, and the pesky influence of the Goddess of Love who seeks to interfere with my lustful palace sometimes generates shrines within my dungeon, should you find those shrines and pray for salvation, she may see you fit for her blessing, lowering your accumulated lust points!" Lewdia declared. "Certain magical items will be cursed and increase your lust points or increase the rate at which they accumulate, while blessed magical items might do the opposite, it is up to you to discover them within my dungeon..."

"Is there any intermediate consequences for the accumulation of Lust Points, or is it a binary effect, once we accumulate enough, we lose our minds and fall?" asked Silvia the Paladin.

"Well I'm glad you asked," Lewdia the Queen spoke. "Oh, my love, my husband, raging flame of passion that warms my loins," she moaned, raising her hands, as from the shadows came a giant clad in a leather harness and little else, wrapping his big strong arms around her. It was a demon, complete with big horns. "I serve the God of the Underworld," she moaned as she melted into his embrace. "And should your lust accumulate, you will draw his attention. Every time you cross a threshold," she said, "my beloved husband shall tempt you," she said, her hand reaching down to grab onto the ridiculously big bulge on the demon's loincloth. "You shall be made to taste the pleasures of the Underworld..!"

"You salacious fiend!" gasped Silvia.

"What terrifying odds!" Moonbeam added.

"Gods I wanna ride that dick so bad," Iris the Wizard said.

The other two turned to look at her, jaws agape.

And then everyone burst out laughing as the atmosphere was broken.

After a while, Janine finally finished laughing and recovered. "Anyway, that's most of the Lust mechanic explained," she said, turning to the camera. "But to make it simpler, and breaking character for a moment, whenever they gain a certain amount of lust points," Janine explained, "they will have to make a saving throw, getting progressively harder the higher their lust score is, if they fail, then both in and out of character my lover here," she said, grabbing onto the big fat cock beneath the loincloth and showing that even half hard it was already an impressive log of meat, "will come in for a nice sex scene. Just like an erotic videogame, but tabletop RPG style!" she said. 

Everyone, of course, already knew the game, and how it worked, this was just for the audience's benefit.

"Now stay tuned, we will have our first practice session to show everyone how this game's going to work, so that you can see it in action, and then, from the next video onwards, we'll be in character and playing the game properly! So pay attention for this time!"

The game would then commence, and knowing that it was a practice game, things went off the rails quite fast, but at least everyone had fun. Despite herself, Rita actually was not the first to trigger the arrival of the Dark God, but Sandra instead, though she was able to make her saving throw, and instead got away with just a teasing visit from the Dark God.

Soon enough, though... the real game would begin.


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